Never paid for a FB ad. Debbie and I work our personal pages and that's where we get the clients from.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
In my opinion, we have never had a successful Facebook ad.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I've never paid for a Facebook Ad, wasn't sure that was effective? Have you gotten good results? I get the most clicks when I post a question or my dog doing his "cute" stuff . (kidding) Not so much on houses, but I still post'em. I'd love to know what folks are getting results with too Karen.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I took out an Ad on Facebook recently and didn't really see any significant results other than more likes.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I have used Facebook for awhile now, and its one of my top 1-3 referral sources to my website & blog.
For paid product, I have used it for my listings, and I see good interaction wiht my listings on my site coming from there. This past week, I used it for an open house that I was hosting, and I saw about 63 people checked it out from the ad, and even had a few visitors who came from it.
Karen - Instead of giving you an answer, it sounds like I should look to you for the answer. Sounds like you are already having good success.
so far, I have not been successful w/ FB ads. I will probably test a few more later in the year (right now...too busy).
What I heard from a local successful realtor (i.e. top 20-25 in county...and there are 10,000 agents here) is that his biggest success came from running ads on his open houses.
Ask Anita Clark...I can't seem to tag her today. she has had some success but not sure yet what types of pages.
And yes, I've heard that squeeze pages work (although there are synonyms...landing page, etc).
This article should help you further
I have to laugh because when I read your question I have no idea what your talking about but had this image of squeeze page to get more chicks than clicks.
For me I do an ad with a picture of a neighborhood that has a speech bubble saying "What is my ____ home worth?" insert neighborhood name the ad is showing in. That ad goes to a home valuation site. Best lead source I've come across.