I got my brokers license in 1985 and have been grandfathered ever since. I continue to get more yearly education than most agents that are required to do it to keep their licenses. I do it willingly though many that are grandfathered never take any classes because they don't have to. It is more about the attitude. Just becasue you have to doesn't mean you are learning or getting anything from it. I do think all license levels should be required to have many more hours of required education and it should be tested.
Murfreesboro, TN
I feel it's wrong because of the continual changes to real estate law and contracts but since I don't live in TN and you do, go to a board meeting and ask them how to proceed in having it changed.
Murfreesboro, TN
That just makes no sense. With real estate laws and practices changing constantly, that would not make me very confidant about the "grandfathers" if I were a consumer. If I were one of them, I would advertise the fact that I "voluntarily" took those classes just like everyone else.
Murfreesboro, TN
I think a certain level of CE should be mandatory for everyone. Our state requires that we ALL do a Colorado Commission Update Class every year. I think this is a very good idea.
Same here prior to 1984 these agents are grandfathered in and do not need CE to renew their license. I do think the commission could say they are included in CE but these agents are getting older and will not be practices real estate for much longer.
That is wrong...how many will do it voluntary and learn all the new laws and other issues.
Daniel Hayes Interesting how State's vary. My State, Virginia increased the number of CE hours for Brokers.
There are NO laws that are in the best interest (whatever that means) of the ENTIRE REAL ESTATE COMMUNITY. There are always winners and losers. The WINNERS are the one who get to define the meaning of 'best interest.'
Regarding your question the real answer lies in when the CE issue was being consdier and who was in power at that time. Without that concession, the end result could have been NO CE requirement in TN.