As of 8:48 on July 17 we have 4 Yes (in small doses), 1 No (just the facts and nothing but the facts) and 2 undeclared and a real suprise a GOLD star on the blog.
WE need at least 15 responses to make this statisticly relevant. Keep them coming.
I do like this in small doses. It is more about a time thing and with so many posts to see and people to stop by, it limits time. But I do like a deep read and you know how to deliver one deep read.
I like where you come from, Annette. It's not often I have time to read the longer blogs though. When I do I look for training/info relevant to my tasks at hand.
No I don't like reading stuff like this. It make my head and eyes hurt. I kind of a "give me the facts" girl and leave the other stuff behind. No offense... but you asked!