Wayne - There are different types of brokers. For your question, I assume you are asking "Would you be the real estate broker for more than one real estate brokerage?"
In my province, you can only be a broker of record of one real estate brokerage at one time.
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
I have been a broker for more than one company. I am now down to a single company.
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School No, being the Principal Broker at one company was a full time job.
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
it was news to me, however i dont see a huge conflict, its a unique business model
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
I've never heard of that happening.... why would one want or need that....
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
It's legal in Florida and I'm qualifying one now in a different county
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
I believe that would be a huge conflict. Who in the world would want those headaches?
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
I personally can't imagine it.
Captain Wayne - Rowlet...
Panama City, FL
I don't think I would, I would put all effort into one. Seems like it might be a conflict of interest otherwise.
Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School - not ready for the first office, yet!
Hats off to you for handling 5 companies! Wow!
Many borkers carry different licenses. realtor, loan, construction, cleanup etc...
It is common in a family.
It is legal in Delaware. I know of someone that opened up two new realty offices with different names and in different towns. He is sort of doing it as a favor for each. Both places have strong salespeople and don't need a lot of his time.
I do not have the desire to be a broker for one, certainly not more than one.