We have a place outside Marbella that I just love. Close enough for day trips to Gilbraltar and down into Tangier. We've driven up the coast to Valencia and on up to Barcelona and then back down thru Madrid and over to Seville.
It is a beautiful country to explore and we would go in all seasons but my favourite time is Christmas. To see "Christmas Trees" made of 15' stacked Poinsettas as you drive into a small village is just breathtaking!
Anytime is a good time to visit Spain :)
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
When I go to places like that, I prefer to go to several cities. I went there in April (and obviously it's hotter in summer...but I think I would choose based on city nor season). I went to Madrid, Seville (loved it), Toledo (day trip) and Granada (day trip). I would love to go again and go to Barcelona. I made Madrid my central pt as my brother was living there at the time.
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
It Rains in Spain... try Portugal.... I like Barcelona as this was the only city in Spain I visited but would like to go again and visit Portugal as well.
Never been but when we travel we hit two or three cities to get the flavor of the country. I like to see big cities but also would include a small town or village.