If they can't declutter, price will be impacted.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
When you list a home that will not show well, the list price needs to be discounted to reflect the condition.
Sharon Altier
Elmhurst, IL
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Take the listing and leave him with a list of tips to clean up the home (i.e., make sure nothing on fridge, clear off counters, put knives off counter, laundry always put away, bathroom spotless, etc.) and ask him to call you when it is done so you can provide interior pictures. If it can not be done, then let him know the price may have to be reduced so reflect condition. If they need help, suggest service to help.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Jeretta - You have received some excellent advice. I would talk honestly with the seller and let them know I can take the listing but wait to enter the home on the MLS until it gets cleaned up. The home should sell faster and for more money. Or, I could take the listing and immediately put it on the MLS and let the cards fall where they may. However, I would let the seller know that I would not list the home for the same price as if it were in pristine condition. I personally would want it to look as good as possible in order to potentially sell it faster.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
If he is going to live in it while it is being viewed, I would suggest the following.
1. Tell him outright that clutter will distract from the Buyer. He can start uncluttering as you go along.
2. If you don't list it when he wants to, someone else will.
So, you make suggestions and work with him on a compromise. It may be that the longer it takes him to declutter, the longer it will take to sell. He may understand that and work faster.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
What do you think? You're the agent he's relying on. Nothing like taking a listing, entrusting your client to your plan of action, and then not have one.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Put him in your car and go show him the shiniest listing in his neighborhood. Tell him this is where the bar is set if you want this much money. Then, get him in touch with storage spaces, movers, stagers or organizers. AFTER you get the signed listing, of course.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Sometimes it`s best to walk on a house in bad condition. I have listed those in the past and the showing agents were horrible. It does reflect back on you also. So have a talk with them and tell them how much money they are going to lose by the condition.
I had a client that wouldn't`t listen and so much negative feedback I just told husband look she needs to get off the couch and clean or you are going to lose a ton of money....and they lost a lot of money.
Yes help them to understand if not willing to work with you then walk. that picture tells it all I can imagine what the rest of the house looks like.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
I have as long as I know that the seller is working on getting it cleaned up. I also update the phot's as things are better.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Jaretta -- yes, get that listing signed. We have a form in California that can be sent to our MLS that states the seller is withholding the listing from the multiple listing service until a certain date. This can give you and the seller the time to properly prepare the home for its' "grand opening".
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
There was time when I would list then worry about condition later. Not in this market though. You need to be the shiniest penny for best results. Rent a storage space for the clutter and you'll be both be much happier. You for the sale and the Seller for the extra dollars it will bring, much more than enough to cover the storage fee Jaretta Buckholtz, MBA.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
OFten moving companies and wine stores will give you free boxes. The kitchen needs 25 boxes to come out of there. LAbel the boxes: garage sale or donate / detail what is in the box. Show them what local storage costs and multiply by one year ( average time it takes someone to ever go back and look for an item).
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Take the listing. Advise seller the home will not appear in the MLS for (2 weeks) giving him time to make it show ready. Advise it is what the owner accomplishes in those 2 weeks that will determine the homes marketability.
Be clear with this owner that when he thinks the home is ready he will need to go through the home again and remove 30% more stuff.
Do not sell the home BEFORE it is available through the MLS.
However, this does provide you with real benefits you can provide to buyers and other agents in a short inventory market.
Jaretta Buckholtz
Manassas, VA
Thank you all for the great suggestions! I will certainly follow your leads. I will certainly be getting the listing!
Thank you Annette! I had totally forgotten that we have a new feature in our MLS called "coming Soon"! I will utilize that feature to let other Realtors know that there will be at least one other home on the market for them to see...soon.
Thank you Roy. I did not think of that. I know he wants to get what the market is dictating that he should, but if it looks run down, people will think it is run down.