I don't believe you're supposed to use it to promote yourself or your product. But I've seen it used and I've used it myself when I want to bring someone's attention to something specific.
In general, no you shouldn't do that as it is considered spamming. There are a few exceptions...like if you are answering someone's question and giving them a helpful link to answer their question. But, if it's a link to your site, no don't do it. Most people will delete those links and you'll annoy them and lose followers.
One should never promote themselves when leaving a comment for another person.
I don't think an etiquette has been stated. I will hyperlink if I want to person to be notified about the comment. I do not hyperlink the author in the comment on his post. He would be notified twice.
If I have something relevant link, I ask permission and give permission to delete.
This used to be a major problem, but it has tailed off. I feel that if you would not want someone to do that in your blog...you should not do it. Also, therre is a courtesy of asking!
Russ Ravary links are there to 'supplement' your answer with another post/site, should you need to do so.
And yes, you are right - I have rarely used it.
I don't use that often, when I am answering a comment that someone has asked for a resource, then I add a hyperlink to make it easier. In direct comments, I rarely do it. I found it strange one time, when someone made a comment on a post and put a link to their posts. Needless to say, I ignored it.
Use hyperlinks when the situation calls for more data.
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Be aware, those on AR are your peers. Sending them to a lead capture page whould be BOLD and comes with consequenses.