I have depending on the situation from 20 to 30%, no hard lines here either.
Pete Xavier
Pacific Palisades, CA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
I just talked to an agent who offers 50%, all is negotiable. At the same time I just lost a listing because a seller could not resist that another agent charges just 0.5%.
Pete Xavier
Pacific Palisades, CA
Our biggest concern is whether our referred buyer or seller is getting the best possible service....not how much we pay....If agents advertise 30% you wonder how hard they will be working !
I have gotten as high was 30% for a referral. That figure was given to me by the agent I was referring to, so I took it. I normally like to get 25% for referral fee and I will do the same for an agent that refers to me.
25% is max and then it does depend on the possible total amount of any commission. 25% of $500 doesn't leave me anything for actually working.
You can always try to negotiate depending upon the circumstances. A 25% referral fee seems to be the most common offer.
Typically, I don't p-ay more than 25% and I don't ask for more than 25%. Unless it's a huge dollar sale, more than 25% just cuts into the bottom line too much.
I negotiate and it depends on the quality of the referal and the ease or difficulty that it may entail.
As a lender I'd get in quite a bit of trouble if I gave or received referral fees. I think 25% is more than fair and pretty customary in the industry.
I've always done twenty five percent whether I'm giving the referral or receiving it.
For the most part 25% works, if it is a little property, maybe less. I have one right now that I will pay 40% but it is in the millions.
20-25% feels right to me. I've learned however not to draw lines too hard and fast. Received a wondeful referral last year for a cash buyer who bought a home within 3 hours of being with him. It was worth the 25% and even more for the amount of time I spent.