ActiveRain began in Seattle and as anyone knows, it rains here a bit. Jon, the founder, believed agents were active and with our roots stemming from Seattle, he put the Active & Rain together to form this AMAZING COMMUNITY!
Dipti Thakkar
Andover, MA
Christine Donovan
Costa Mesa, CA
Catherine Ulrey
Salem, OR
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Hank Dugie not only you got answer but we learned something (though I had guessed about Seattle - I was not sure of, so thanks, Kerrie La Guardia )
Catherine Ulrey
Salem, OR
Great question and Kerrie was quick with the answer. Thanks, Kerrie La Guardia . Keep up the great job you do for us.
Just guessing....We have over 250,000 members that are actively raining down information to the members that are actively needing assistance in their Active Real Estate businesses. Rain is a nourishment to help things grow. How's That?
I had to read to find out the answer, as I have never heard! THANKS Kerrie!
That makes great sense Kerrie La Guardia. The best and most active agents are on ActiveRain or at least they should be.
Calling Kerrie La Guardia !!!!! I know that Bob Stewart would have known or Jon Washburn, but I have no idea. Kerrie might know though!