Only Supra. When other agent use e-key, I know how many showing, when and who. We use combo locks only for inspectors.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
I like SUPRA - at least safer as it can be opened with only electronic key.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
We have supra boxes. All I need is my phone to access it. I love it.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
Sharon Paxson
Newport Beach, CA
Supra lockbox. I don't like combo boxes because I have gone on scheduled appointments with my clients to see homes and found unattended "buyers" at the home. When questioned, they said their agent told them the combo and told them it was ok to go on over without them. It's happened more than one time.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
I like the simplicity of the scroll lockbox, but Supra Boxes are a lot more secure.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
I prefer the push-button types. Here in Minnesota in the very coldest days, they seem to work better and more consistently.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
I use supra exclusively, I like to have a record of who has entered the property.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
I was never able to open a scroll wheel one from a first time. left-right-left.....did not go well for me:) Fortunately, most of agents use Supra these days:) I use only Supra lock boxes too.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
Electronic and our MLS requires them unless seller strictly insists it not be there.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
New Supra Blue tooth I box, and I love them as long as we get a signal for our phone app.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
Our Board uses Sentrilock electronic boxes and if we don't use them and use a combo box it will void our E&O. I do like the scrolling kind on my personal rentals.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
I like the computerized ones offered by our association of Realtors. The inexpensive ones offered at the hardware stores are not nearly as safe as the ones that require an agent card.
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
I use Sentrilok, supra, and scroll combos. Sometimes sellers request combos for a varity of reason.
Cindy Dudley ... that's crazy. I hope that agent was reported.
Praful Thakkar ... with the Supra box I'm guessing it's board-wide for you and everyone must have the app downloaded? What are the approximate costs involved?
Suzanne McLaughlin ... I do as well. Both our cold winters freeze the scroll wheel ones constantly.
However, if I have a lockbox in a condo I prefer the scroll wheel as they don't detach and less savvy agents won't confuse which cover goes with which box.
You have peaked my interest. Are these Sentrilock used throughout the US or just certain associations?