Both of them should be getting equal attention and information. No bias towards anybody.
Dipti Thakkar
Andover, MA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Just be the best friends with each of them.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Get both of them on board - and tell them, this is something both of you want to get over with.
I consulted with Chief Cook who is a realtor, and she agrees with Tammy Lankford....Sometimes they don't even want to be in the same room, but they do have to be on the same conversation each and every time. If not, you are interpreting what each said to the other which can put you in the middle, uncomfortably!
#1. If you are a friend with either, refer it out. If you don't refer it get agreement one will proceed with sale while the other only reviews the settlement.
#2. Keep all conversations about the property. Do not get trapped into contributing to the betrayal emotion that is be prevalent.
#3. Understand, they both have an attorney engaged in twisting their brain. So DO NOT participate in this distress. You can listen but do not attempt to solve any of their relationship issues. In this practice...when they have vented..and catching their breath you need to regain control by saying. "The purpose for my visit today is......"
#4. If they have demonstrated they are both working towards a mutual goal (not adversarial) treat them exactly like you would any couple selling a house. Meet with them together, always. You indicate they will not talk to each other...this may not be an option.
#5. Worst option, conduct the sales transaction through their attorneys.
I've done this a couple of times and it is stressful and difficult. I simply do my best to be as neutral as possible and to be a mediator of information.
I like to use a group text. Everyone gets the same communication at the same time. It works well.
Be businesslike, understanding and compassionate. Do not take sides.
I communicate with them individually. Double work, but runs more smoothly.
Both at the same time. That way they both got the same information when I am providing updates. Most of the time they just reply to me. But I make sure to treat them both the same until document absolutely everything
I would probably do distribution emails. Everything needs to be out in the open and in writing - so you don't get into he-said/she said.
I have made a practice and make them agree from the start that the other person will be on speaker phone to hear what is being said. They might not talk to each other, but they both have to talk to me and agree.