Sounds like a great topic for a new blog post Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Realtor (503)755-2905
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fish...
Birkenfeld, OR
This is odd. It almost seems like someone shared it and then it was reshared. Maybe they copied and pasted the first paragraph or just put their own intro in and shared it on their timeline and it started a discussion. People should not be able to click on the post and see it if they aren't members.
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fish...
Birkenfeld, OR
I was talking to Ron about it this morning. He thinks it may be a tech glitch of some sort given the number of likes. Did you contact the AR tech folks. And if someone did post it on FB, that is a grave breach of etiquette...I think Roy Kelley has a point about it, and not to post to members only. A
That's very odd, and worrisome. I would check in with AR directly to see what they have to say.
This is a very interesting situation. Maybe we should avoid posting anything for members only.
Someone breached the AR blogging etiquette zone. It isn't necessarily a friendly gesture and should have consequences attached.
I thought members only posts remain on active rain only. Thank you for the post.
That is a good question! Unless someone who read it in members only shared it on their social media. If you have posts like this you might want to click the button that says no reposts.
NOt public, are you sure? :)
I just saw an empty draft post that became public~ weird, no?
I did a brief google search and nothing came up for me, but there's a TON of stuff in the phrase It's just good business nothing personal...a slight change, no word "just"....
I don't know the answer to that one! When we like a post here in the Rain, is that a FB like? We are not suppose to re blog or publish a members only post.
I'm totally flummuxed, you guys!
Debbie Gartner , I KNOW that I don't want to hit "like" cuz, I sure don't wnat it going on my timeline...but, gosh, this many on a post that didn't go public--WEIRD.
Debbie Gartner may have justification - based on the shares the post got.
So you don't have to be logged in to see a members only post? That shouldn't be should it?
Oh, and now you have 933 as I liked it to try to see what was going on. (it's not on my timeline)
That is weird, and the reason we have it members only is so that it can stay that way. I am wondering if someone is pressing the "share" button. Is the actual post on Facebook also? A