Debbie Reynolds the bigger opportunity is outside AR...your own blog on your own website. Close to 30% of my biz comes in that way.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Well I would have to say about 10%. But that doesn't include the referrals I sent out this year. I'm not getting the return on my blog I would like to see, but I have done two referrals this year because of AR. I'm in an extremely rural area, and that is probably why I'm not seeing so much activity from my blog.
Another benefit I see is that I can send a link to my blog for out of the area buyers and sellers. They see my market reports and they also get a sense of the local activities. They know I'm the local expert from reading me.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Hello Debbie, I've picked up a lead that was in the $350K price range for new construction and also two referrals in the $200K price range not bad for a few years of blogging but it will eventually get better....
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
I have never been able to track it, so I am not sure. This is my main attempt at SEO, so I would assume that the people that are signing up on my website are doing so because of the SEO that I have generated from ActiveRain.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Debbie G, you have amazing results and have mastered the ins and outs of SEO.
Debbie L, That isn't bad at all. And of course we never know who reads and never mentions it and calls months later.
Diana, I am sure you will see results. Just be steady and consistent.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
I'm still too new here to have any statistics for you. However, from my 20 years in real estate I have to say that 50% of my business comes because of referrals from past clients and/or repeat business. The rest comes from a variety of marketing efforts. I'm hoping next year at this time I will be able to give new stats that include Active Rain!
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
I can see definite results and can trace them back to Activerain. It of course depends on the topic.