Ted Nelson (Criterion Home Inspectors LLC) Home Inspector



Ted Nelson
location_on Sussex, WI — Criterion Home Inspectors LLC
Get to Know Ted Nelson

Buy or Sell your home with Confidence:

As a Certified Home Inspector, I'll provide invaluable help in turning you into a knowledgeable consumer. Home owners can identify problems in the making and take preventive measures to avoid costly repairs. Sellers can understand conditions the buyer's inspector may point out and put the property in better selling condition by making repairs.

State Of Wisconsin Licenced & AHIT Certified

Member: Wisconsin Association of Home Inspectors



Home Inspection & Testing Services Available:

Radon Testing

Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas.

Infared Imaging Thermal Inspection

IR (Infared) Scans can identify moisture in the walls and missing insulation.

Toxic Black Mold & Moisture Testing

Too much moisture in the home can be damaging to your health and the house structure.

Gas & Carbon Monoxide Leak Detection

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that can build up to dangerous concentrations indoors when fuel- burning devices are not properly operated, vented, or maintained.

Water Testing Bacteria & Nitrates

You should test your well water every year for coliform bacteria.

Flood Analysis Reports

Many of the nation's Flood Insurance Rate Maps have become outdated due to urban development, changes in natural landscapes, and other factors


Wisconsin Home Inspector-Independent Certified Home Inspection Serving Central & Southeast WI