RJ White (R.J Credit Associates) Services for Real Estate Pros



RJ White
location_on Atlanta, GA — R.J Credit Associates
Get to Know RJ White

We can provide our services to your employees Mortgage companies Manufactured homes sales Credit Union Services Loss Mitigation Portfolio Management First Home purchase/ Financially planning for your first home budgeting Debt Reduction Credit Interest assestment Home Loan modifications Garnishments/Levies City Employee services Collector-Cease and decit orders Installment payments and negotations.



Our First time buyers prgram is designed to help home owners that have no credit, Bad credit or have been denied a mortgage be placed in a position where they can afford a home and their credit score is at the required standard.

We completed credit and debt counseling and credit repair. Check us out! we strive for excellence , were honest, and take pride in our name so we encourage you to check us @, BBB, and we provide referrals.



Credit and Debt counseling Home loan modifications First time home buyer credit and debt prep Credit education Budgeting