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Mortgage and Lending |
RAINER 1,540 |
Cindy Merrifield | ||
location_on Rockledge, FL — Reverse Mortgages of Florida | ||
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web Cindy Merrifield's (reversemortgagesflorida) Blog |
Join our state manager, Cindy Merrifield, on "The Matthew Bronson Show." Every Thursday at 10AM WWBC 1510 on the AM Dial
Our purpose is to educate our clients about reverse mortgages and other programs that are available in order to assist them in determining their best options. We are educators, not high pressure sales people.
We have been doing reverse mortgages since 1991 and have been working in the State of Florida since 1997. We take pride in working hard to educate the public not only about reverse mortgages, but also about other programs that are available to our senior community. If a reverse mortgage isn't the answer for you, we always hope to be able to make good suggestions on other avenues to pursue.
Being able to provide reverse mortgages throughout the State of Florida with many companies, allows us the ability to get the best program to meet your financial needs. Our company has been approved to provide reverse mortgages through Bank of America, IndyMac, Nutter and Liberty Mortgage."
Cindy Merrifield, our State Manager, has been doing reverse mortgages since 1991.
With over a decade of experience, we are able to answer any questions and provide guidance as needed with the best and fastest service in the industry.
Our monthly servicing fee is only $30.
We are proud to offer a lower servicing fee than most lenders. Lower fees mean more funds available to the borrower at closing.
Clearly, Reverse Mortgages of Florida is your best choice for your reverse mortgage needs.
Nos complace saber que tiene interès en los programas de Hipoteca Revertida que estan disponibles en el estado de la Florida.
Nuestra compañìa hace hipotecas revertidas desde hace quience años y en el estado de la Florida llevamos diez años. Nos enorgullece trabajar arduamente para educar al publico en cuanto a Hipotecas Revertidas, y de otros programas que estan disponibles para la comunidad de la tercera edad. Cuando nos llamen, si la Hipoteca Revertida no es la mejor solucion para ellos, siempre hacemos sugerencias de otras opciones. Anexamos material de lectura en referencia al popular Programa de Hipoteca Revertida, conocido como Hipoteca de Conversiòn de Plusvalìa de Hogar (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) (HECM). Este es un prèstamo asegurado por el Gobierno que ofrece las màs bajas tasas de interès y el màs alto prèstamo en las casas valoradas en la Florida hasta $400,000 o menos de acuerdo con el area geografica.. Para casas con un valor mayor, tenemos otros programas que tabajan basicamente igual, que estàn tambièn asegurados, pero que no son de HUD o la Agencia de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano. Por favor lea cuidadosamente la informacion incluida; anote cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tene, y llame a nuestro telefono libre de cargos para que podamos contestarlas. En ese momento, le solicitaremos la informacion necesaria para determinar cuanto dinero le podemos prestar. Si usted decide que quiere una Hipoteca Revertida, nuestro representante local le llamarà. Nosotros llenamos la solicitud y hacemos el cierre en su casa, para que usted no tenga que viajar. Esperamos oir de usted pronto! Sinceramente, Cynthia J. Merrifield Especialista de hipotecas revertidas
The amount available to you ranges from approximately 55% to 85% of your home's value (the older you are, the more you are eligible to receive) and you make no monthly payments.
If you have a mortgage or home equity loan, we must pay it off prior to making any funds available to you.
The money can be used any way you see fit:
To pay off property taxes, school taxes, sewer and water bills, etc.
To eliminate monthly payments by paying off existing mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.
As a line of credit that grows by 3% to 9% per year.
To pay for home improvements or auto repairs or to purchase a more dependable
To pay for unexpected medical bills and prescription drugs.
To take a vacation or purchase a vacation home, travel trailer, or motor home.
To invest or to avoid removing the principal from your existing investments.
There are no limitations on how or when you use the money!
Reverse Mortgages of Florida offers a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development program providing tax-free money* to homeowners 62 and older.