Sharon King (MoneyManagerPlus.Org) Services for Real Estate Pros



Sharon King
location_on San Fernando, CA — MoneyManagerPlus.Org
Get to Know Sharon King
DONALD TRUMP uses a POWERFUL STRATEGY for STAYING IN FRONT OF HIS COMPETITION.   It appears that eliciting a 'favorable opinion about himself' is not as important as seeking someone who HAS An OPINION OF HIM!  Thus, 'WHAT his market believes' is not as important as that 'THEY REMEMBER HIS NAME, which more often than not, EQUATES to an 'AIR of CREDIBILITY'  BECAUSE  MOST  PEOPLE  KNOW  WHO  HE  IS (or at least they feel that they do) wherever they go ......and THAT is BECAUSE 'big D' DOES WHATEVER it TAKES to GRAB 'audience ATTENTION'.   Does he do that pretty well?Working in REAL ESTATE RELOCATION and FINANCING for INDIVIDUALS, INVESTORS and DEVELOPERS, it is even more important today, to GET YOUR HOME or PROJECT SEEN by MORE of the MARKET, regardless of current inventory on the market in your area.  THIS Is THE 'CRITICAL KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS'.  I am convinced that Consumers would be shocked to know how many Real Estate Agents out there believe that just because they've been chosen to LIST a home or property and they place it on the MLS, that they are a good Realtor or Agent!!But of course, the MORE LISTINGS some of these mediocre Agents can garner next to their name, the MORE THEY APPEAR to be the BEST REALTOR!   I am not entirely convinced that assumption is quite accurate.  I've spoken to too many of those same Realtors who say in June that they 'exhausted' their advertising budget in March!!!  How is that fact going to sell their listings, and do you think they are telling their Client's that?!!!!!!!!!!   At that point, what they appear to be saying is, that THEY HAVEN'T SOLD ENOUGH HOMES WELL ENOUGH, to be doing business Selling Homes!!!    And who is to blame ?  Their business manager? (Who unfortunately, more often than not, is their spouse who they say makes all the decisions...and who by the way, also more often than not, DOESN'T EVEN WORK IN REAL ESTATE!!! ) What is WRONG with this picture? IF YOU ARE THE CONSUMER, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO WORK WITH a REALTOR WHO IS HAVING A BAD YEAR because they don't have a large enough advertising budget ! PLEASE UNDERSTAND that THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO REAL ESTATE AND LISTING AND SELLING A HOME than Featuring it on the MLS.The MLS, by the way, is a Multiple Listing Service - a Membership Organization Data Base, Used by local Realtors to promote your homes listing TO OTHER REALTORS, according to 'location', 'price' and 'amenities'.  A side benefit to this type of posting is that it MAY also offer an opportunity to purchase additional 'exposure' on Nationwide Real Estate Websites, like REALTOR.COM. It does not necessarily guarantee exposure you want AND NEED. Interestingly enough, most Consumers AND Realtors, don't recognize or acknowledge the important fact that, UNLESS THE SPECIFIC CRITERIA THAT IS INPUT FOR A PARTICULAR REQUEST, 'MATCHES' the SPECIFIC DETAILS, location, amenities or price of the home listed that YOU ARE TRYING TO SELL, MOST of those HOMES DON'T GET FOUND in those data bases, or are found by VERY FEW INQUIRERS!  Remind me to explain in more detail, what I mean, when we speak in person. In other words, YOU NEED A REALTOR WHO KNOWS THE INVENTORY ON THE MARKET and is NOT JUST RELYING ON A DATA BASE INQUIRY....AND THAT TAKES MORE TIME AND EFFORT on the  PART OF YOUR REALTOR!!  Good Realtors (whether they sell one home or 50 homes in a year) are worth the commissions they charge IF THEY GET YOUR HOME SEEN and SOLD more effectively than the other Realtors who are Listing and Selling homes. YOUR  REALTOR MUST BE WILLING TO COMMIT THEIR TIME, ATTENTION, CREATIVE ABILITY, AND RESOURCES, including financial as well as professional associates, TO GET YOUR HOME NOTICED BY ALL OF THE REALTORS IN YOUR COMMUNITY.  Not just the ones who happen to be looking for the exact amenities and price that is listed on the MLS.  There are many ways AFFECTIVE REALTORS do this. YOUR HOME (or your Client's home) should not be the one that gets SOLD BY ACCIDENT. (That, is another blog!)I must say that MOST Realtors try to be COURTEOUS when dealing with Clients and Other Consumers. However an occasional rude one can really make you wonder why they are in a 'service business'. For instance, I had an unpleasant telephone conversation with one Realtor who had advertised his name as a representative of  Mr. Trump's Properties.  (whose name I shall not mention).   Perhaps he secretly regards himself as a 'closet Trump' and felt that being abrupt and condescending was an appropriate ATTITUDE for someone who wished to appear to have more power and influence than HE actually had ? I believe that REGARDLESS of WHO you are or WHOM you REPRESENT, we must remember that, unless the individual is blatantly rude first, ALL PEOPLE ARE CONSUMERS of one kind or another. Being pleasant is not a sign of weakness, nor does it take any more time to be cordial,  than it does to be unpleasant! One day you may be in a situation where you are sitting on the other side of the negotiating table OR you are desperately vying against competition for their business and THAT ONE PERSON YOU OFFENDED (even though it was many years ago) had been LEFT WITH A  LASTING  IMPRESSION SO DEPLORABLE THAT THEY WILL NEVER, EVER GIVE IN TO WHAT YOU WANT.......Just AS a MATTER of PRINCIPLE.   Does that sound familiar anyone?THERE IS A BETTER WAY................Find out more of  what  www.MoneyManagerPlus.Org  has to say......

At 'MONEY MANAGER PLUS. ORG, We do have to have a 'sense of humor' particularly in this current Real Estate and Financing Market, but we must also be 'serious' about how we go about choosing people to advise you on your Sale or Purchase of a Home; probably your most important asset (besides your spouse or children).  

When you work with one of OUR  'MONEY MANAGER PLUS . ORG  SELECT SPECIALISTS, you will already know, that you are not working with someone who is new in the business.  You will require the experience and expertise of those who have successfully assisted MANY OTHER clients, like yourself. Our professionals will not boast or brag about their former clienteles'  transactions as these are held in the STRICTEST of CONFIDENCE. Just as your particular situation will be.

Our people come with a brand of 'CONFIDENCE' that has been earned through years of experience and success at what they do, whether that requires indepth experience in Real Estate Development, Commercial Real Estate Analysis, Custom Home Plans and Architectural Renderings, or a Single Family Residence located in a good school district.

You will work with caring, yet strategically aggressive  Professionals in the Finance and Relocation Industry who have established quality business affiliations over the years, which they can count on to assist with the variety of issues that may, and more often than not, do arise.  This advantage alone, keeps the flow of the process moving forward steadily until a successful Close of Escrow.  

We don't necessarily stop there, either.  Because, whenever you have questions after the Sale or Purchase, OUR ASSOCIATES WILL CONTINUE TO BE THERE FOR YOU.   We make a SOLID COMMITMENT TO SERVING YOU, whether this will be your first or fiftieth transaction.  YOUR BUSINESS and YOUR SATISFACTION is OUR PRIORITY, ALWAYS!

You will find helpful information in our Monthly Real Estate Updated NEWSLETTER at:  www.GET CONNECTED IN REAL ESTATE .Org  or check out  www. MONEY MANAGER PLUS . ORG.    Call us anytime at :  1 (877) 335-7200  or EMAIL:   LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU!


www.MoneyManagerPlus.Org and www.GetConnectedInRealEstate.Org feature R.E. Market Conditions, Financing and Relocation Assistance to Individuals and Investors Nationwide 1(877) 335-7200