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Home Inspector |
RAINER 829 |
Stephen M. Jones | ||
location_on Logan Township, NJ — D-S Quality Home Inspection, LLC | ||
insert_link http://www.dsqualityhomeinspection.com | ||
web Stephen M. Jones's (dsqhi) Blog |
Stephen M. Jones
I am a professional, licensed, full time home inspector.
I have lived and worked in Salem and Gloucester Counties
most of my life, with the Church, Scouts, Little League,
and rest of helping raise a family.
My Mission.... I am committed to deliver a prompt, thorough, professional,
highest quality possible Home Inspection, by attention to detail,
diligent observation and open communication with clients,
continuing/perpetual education to assure professional
excellence, and to conduct my business with integrety.
I am licensed by: The State of New Jersey/Office of the Attorney General/Division of Consumer Affairs/Home Inspection Advisory Committee
My license number is: 24GI00082600
I am a member in good standing of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and South Jersey Chapter ASHI (SJASHI)
Inspections are conducted in accordance with the ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and the New Jersey Administrative Code 13:40-15.16.
My Committment To You
Your home is one of the biggest investments that you will make.
Choosing the right home inspector for this major investment can be difficult.
Unlike most professionals, you may not have the opportunity to meet me
until after you hire me.
Different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience,
reporting methods, and yes, different pricing.
One thing for sure is that a home inspection requires work, a lot of work.
Ultimately a thorough inspection depends heavily on the individual inspector's
own effort.
My committment to you is that I will give you my best,
my best to inspect the property, my best to communicate to you those findings,
and with you to answer any questions you may have about the property.
And, my best to document and report the findings of the inspection,
so that you may have factual documentation to relate in your negotiations
to purchase the property, and a reference to use for maintanence of your new
My committment is my best effort... the highest quality home inspection.
Stephen M. Jones
D-S Quality Home Inspection, LLC