Diane Dearing (First Florida Home Loans) Mortgage and Lending



Diane Dearing
location_on Eustis, FL — First Florida Home Loans
Get to Know Diane Dearing

I started my mortgage career in 2007.  Many has questioned why I would want to get involved in the mortgage industry at a time like this.  My answer to them.... There is no greater time to get involved in this industry.  Not only is this industry back to basic lending practices, I have had the opportunity to only learn these basic lending practices.  If you do not have a strong foundation (basic principles) nothing that you build on that foundation will be able to stand strong. 

Before becoming a mortgage professional I was employed by the Pringle Companies as contract administrator.  My specific job duties were to make sure contracts were written correctly but most importantly I acted as the customer liaison to provide great customer service.  I understand how difficult it is to be passed from person to person without ever getting the answer to the question that you originally asked.  My customer service score averaged 97% for the 10 years I was involved with the contracts administration department.  I also worked in the accounts payable department and bookkeeping department.  I was a 20 year veteran with the Pringle Companies.

Please visit my website: for further information



My slogan is "Excellence is not an act... it is a habit" 

Before I chose this slogan I made sure I understood what Excellence meant.  This is what I found: 

EXCELLENCE is positvie uniqueness and superiority in performance, practices and offered servics.  It is an advanced stage of the work proficiency and competent prerfromances based upon key concepts of administrations, such as performance, outcomes, customer service, effective leadership, development of processes, creativity and extablishing successful partnerships. 

Excellence is a habit that is formed, it is not perfection but it is ALWAYS doing the right thing.  As your mortgage professional I will always strive for excellence, providing my clients with the best mortgage opportunities available.



I believe that those that are trying to obtain financing for their dream home deserve the highest level of integrity and excellent customer service. Thsi is my goal in serving you and/or your client.