Helen Gonzales ( Services for Real Estate Pros



Helen Gonzales
location_on Imperial, CA —
Get to Know Helen Gonzales

We make it simple! It's our Notary Referral System (NRS). Lenders, Title/Escrow Companies and others that need notary services can search our database. Notaries can be contacted 24/7/365 via non-intrusive email and text messaging to their cell phone or mobile devices. Receive pricing and availability from our professional registered notary referrals. Our notaries can travel to your location or in some cases you can visit their offices. You can request a notary any time of the day or night via text message and email. NAC is a member-based organization that promotes confidence in our members abilities, ethics, and professionalism. Here at NAC the notary ALWAYS comes first! We exist purely for the benefit of notaries!     


How Notary Agent Works: Everything is completely automated so there are no delays.  NAC Notary Members want to build relationships with clients direct without going through a middleman. NAC's setup will not only allow Notaries to keep all of their fees but also enable Lenders, Title/Escrow Companies and others to pay lower fees to get closings done because there are no middleman involved! Notaries can now get paid what their services are worth and pass the savings back to our clients. That in it-self brings notary work "daily" to our members! NAC has many Notary Marketing Reps who represent NAC to Lenders, Title and Escrow companies to make this possible along side of advertising and Top search engine optimization for our members.


If you are a Mobile Notary Public/Loan Signing Agent looking for notary work, join thousands of other smart notaries and register with and get connected in your state from our g