Brandy Welch (A-1 Electronic Recycling) Services for Real Estate Pros



Brandy Welch
location_on Denver, CO — A-1 Electronic Recycling
Get to Know Brandy Welch

E-Cycle Drop off

What is E-waste: Computers, including keyboards, mice and speakers, printers, fax machines and scanners, laptops and hand held devices such as PDAs and cell phones with accessories, stereos, clocks, VCR and DVD players, electronic gaming equipment, monitors and much more!

All items above are accepted free of charge.

TVs will be accepted for a fee of $20 per TV.

When electronics are discarded into landfills they leech harmful chemicals such as lead, mercury and cadmium into the  ground polluting our food and water as well as leech gasses such as methane, monoxide and carbon dioxide into the air. These gasses are also known to be the cause of higher temperatures that are harming the protective ozone layer that keeps the suns heat and harmful radiation from the surface of the earth A single computer or television monitor contains an average of 4 to 8 pounds of lead. Monitor glass contains about 20% lead by weight.

Just 1/70 of a teaspoon of mercury is enough to contaminate 20 acres of a lake, rendering the fish inedible.



Recycle Reduce & Reuse!

Hard drives are either DOD certified erased or destroyed (at an additional $5.00 fee). Certificate of Destruction will be email from office. A-1 Electronic Recycling is both EPA Certified and HIPAA Compliant for your safety.

A-1 Electronic Recycling

At A-1 Electronic Recycling we have made a commitment to mother earth to keep all computers and electronics out of the land fills and make reuse in our community by donation and discounted resale. If items are too obsolete we remove hazardous waste and recycle all commodities in states for reuse.


Sponsored by: Cherry Hills Community Church

In conjunction with: A-1 Electronic Recycling

Contact person: 303-366-1108

Saturday, October 18, 2008

10 A.M. To 2 P.M.

At the

Cherry Hills Community Church

3900 Grace Blvd in Highlands Ranch, CO

Southeast corner of parking lot


We also accept items at our office Monday - Friday 9-6 and Saturdays from 10-2.

Offer Hard Drive Destruction!


Computers, including keyboards, mice and speakers, printers, fax machines and scanners, laptops and hand held devices such as PDAs and cell phones with accessories, stereos, clocks, VCR and DVD player