So, how's your world-wide web presence working for you? If you’re in the market for a website makeover or even a brand-spanking new one, you’ve no doubt got lots of questions. Sure, go ahead and ask around the office -- you’ll probably hear the same three or four providers mentioned repeatedly. Does that make any of them the best for your business?
With the sheer volume of website providers, you have some hefty homework to do before settling on the one that’s right for you. Fortunately, your ActiveRain colleagues are at the ready with reviews of what works and doesn’t work when it comes to agent websites.
The whole premise behind having an agent website is to increase your exposure in your market. Every single aspect of your site needs to meet that objective. Then, it needs to adequately reflect a certain image. Your site should be easy for users to navigate and a cinch for you to use on the backend. Don’t forget IDX and MLS integration. Finally, if you have problems, the company’s customer service policy becomes a critical consideration.
Whether you fancy yourself a technology guru, or if all this “website stuff” goes right over your head, your ActiveRain colleagues have advice that just might help you make this all-important technology decision. For information on website design to hosting to choosing a content provider, read on.