ScanSnap S1500
ScanSnap S1500
star star star star star_half 4.92 (25 reviews)
Product Details
Product Description
ScanSnap S1500 is a desktop scanning solution that allows users to scan all types of documents into a PDF, into an email, or a host of other outputs. Once the document is scanned, the digital image available forever.
Kathy Stoltman
Kathy Stoltman Contact User
Real Estate Agent 11 Reviews
Ventura, CA 100 % Positive Feedback

ScanSnap, a must have star star star star star
I wish I had known about this product years ago. It is the most useful valuable product to have. It is so quick to scan, never has given me any problems. My printers have always come with scanning capabilities but ScanSnap is soooo much better and faster than any printer I have ever had.
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Steve Mattison
Steve Mattison Contact User
Industry Observer 1 Review
Canyon de Chelly National Mo, AZ 0 % Positive Feedback

Portable scanner that works! star star star star star
Have been using mine for a couple years, no problems and does the job!!!
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Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker
Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker Contact User
Real Estate Agent 1 Review
Sacramento, CA 100 % Positive Feedback

Short Sale Listing Appointments star star star star star
Coolest thing ever. I've been using ScanSnap for years and just gave away my PC model when I bought a cross platform. I can scan all of my client's tax returns, W2s, bank statements, all of their personal data directly to my hard drive. Their sensitive documents never leave their house so there is no way they can get l... See More
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Gail Nyman
Gail Nyman Contact User
Real Estate Agent 1 Review
Dunkirk, MD 100 % Positive Feedback

Scan SnapS1500 star star star star star
Almost as important as my IPad , I have had two of it's earlier models. But this new one is so fast! A 40 page contract in a few minutes with no snags. Wireless too and I can use it with multiple computers. As good as it gets!
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Tad Navle
Tad Navle Contact User
Real Estate Agent 2 Reviews
Bonney Lake, WA 100 % Positive Feedback

Don't run Your Business without it! star star star star star
I use this product everyday. Fast - Accurate - Fast! Scan and save all your paperwork. No more file cabinets. Comes with a great adobe package too.
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