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Product Details
Sales & Marketing
Lead Generation / Referrals
Contact name
Karen Deis
Product Description
Providing apartment mailing addresses for most apartment complexes located in the USA. Flat fee per complex. You own the list.

Apartment Complex Marketing Kits with step by step details on how to market to apartment complexes and get leads. Free coaching provided.

Why apartment complex marketing? Because the addresses never change, but the people who live there do, so you are constantly marketing to new people.
Ajay Pandya
Ajay Pandya Contact User
Real Estate Agent 53 Reviews
Columbus, OH 100 % Positive Feedback

Invaluable Resource star star star star star
It is indeed invaluable resource for anyone to learn. They do provide a complete marketing toolkit - that is good for you to use it almost immediately. They also sell the list of complex - about $100-$120 per complex. So pick the complex with more apartments. Simple. Great service that you can use in your real estate b... See More
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Ajay Pandya
Ajay Pandya Contact User
Real Estate Agent 53 Reviews
Columbus, OH 100 % Positive Feedback

Great service! star star star star star
Even if you reach them every quarter, you may get about 10% of NEW potential buyers. They do provide a complete marketing toolkit - that is good for you to use it almost immediately. They also sell the list of complex - about $100-$120 per complex. So pick the complex with more apartments. Simple. Great service that yo... See More
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Praful Thakkar
Praful Thakkar Contact User
Real Estate Agent 827 Reviews
Burlington, MA 53 % Positive Feedback

Do you want to market to First Time Home Buyers? star star star star star
This is one of the invaluable tools that you can use - if you want first time home buyers as your client. Their motto is simple - the address does not change, people do! So even if you reach them every quarter, you may get about 10% of NEW potential buyers. They do provide a complete marketing toolkit - that i... See More
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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers Contact User
Real Estate Agent 671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ 74 % Positive Feedback

Always go Pro! star star star star star
When designing a marketing piece - whether as part of your listing collateral - or a mailer to send to apartment dwellers - and you are using photos as part of the marketing piece - Professional Photography is key in real estate marketing. The purpose of marketing is to get buyers to go to the property and walk through... See More
100.00 % thought this review was helpful
David Saks
David Saks Contact User
Industry Observer 538 Reviews
Memphis, TN 63 % Positive Feedback

ApartmentToolKit.Com star star star star star
ApartmentToolKit was founded by Karen Deis. Karen began with a career in the mortgage business in 1972. Karen stepped out and founded her own mortgage company in 1992, owned her own real estate company, an appraisal firm and created a commercial builders association. Karen knows something about real estate and how to m... See More
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