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A WALK in the LIGHT~

Members: 23

Posts: 200

Founded: 06/19/2011

Friends, Let's take "A WALK in the LIGHT" together. This group is created for PRIVATE INFORMATION between us. Only Members Can Enter and Only Posts written as Member's Only Posts are allowed. Your posts will not show up on your Open Blog but YOU WILL STILL RECEIVE YOUR 200 POINTS PER POST. Only the Members of our group will be commenting and will even KNOW that you posted! No listings. No rants. Nothing but opening conversation between our Members is allowed. OUR TOPICS INCLUDE: God, Spiritualism, NDE's, also known as Near Death Experiences, Second Sight, Karma, and any stories you might want to share that are not acceptable to share with the world of Real Estate! Our Forum is for Respectful, Open and Non-judgmental sharing. Any difficult Real Estate situations you have been in. Anything you want to share with friends without being criticized. Thank you for joining; A Walk in the LIGHT and our path of friendship and sharing together will strengthen our personal lives!


Deb Brooks

Real Estate Broker/Owner