
Laurie Manny Challenge - 3 Posts I Think You Should Read

Real Estate Agent with Ad Astra Realty BR00222587

To understand what a person reads is to understand, in part, the soul of that same person.  We've heard "garbage in - garbage out."  And never before in human history has there been such an opportunity for garbage.  Culling through blogs is like panning for gold.  Wasted water.  Wasted rock.  Wasted time.  Until...


For the purposes of this contest I knew immediately the five to six candidates that I would watch to feature here.  Knowing those candidates comes from sleepless nights alone with only the lap top screen light illuminating my way. 

Real estate is not what I do.  It is who I am.  And for the very first time in my career the Internet has allowed me to visit with others that share my hopes and dreams.  My frustrations and fears.  Through their writings they reach out and connect with me.  Both professionally and personally.  Almost like a mistress of the night I await my time that I can be alone with these blogs to soak up their energy and their caring.  To share with them.  To give back in whatever way I am able.


Jeff Brown BawldGuy

Author: Jeff Brown
Blog: BawldGuy Talking
Topics: Real Estate Investing
Recommend Reading: Retirement Income - Real Estate Investment - 1031 Exchanges - Purposeful Planning

When I found Jeff's blog in February of 2007 it was like being validated in front of your father for the first time.  You have to understand, my niche in real estate is an odd one.  Many REALTORS work with investors, but not generally to the exclusion of "regular" folks. 

My business plan is so far off the model for most real estate agents that I felt stranded on a desert island.  Or at best cutting a new trail as others mocked me and shook their heads. 

At last, redemption.  And that is no small thing.  A true testament to the power of social networking outside of your own sphere of influence.  Without sounding too under his spell, let me say that Jeff Brown is who I aspire to be, professionally. 

To my understanding Jeff has been in real estate sales and counseling for 35 years.  Stop for a moment.  I said thirty five years.  The ups he's seen as well as the lows leaves a lasting impression on a person.  And the highlighted post will take you on a journey through the peaks and valleys of not only his life, but that of his mentors. 

To know when things are good it's necessary to prepare for rougher times in wisdom.  To do what needs to be done, whatever that may be, in the tough times is character.  Please, for your sake and personal inspiration, take the time to go on that journey with Jeff as he offers you a glimpse into his life as well as the life of a man greater than he.


  Seth Godin

Author: Seth Godin
Blog: Seth Godin's Blog
Topics: Marketing, Inspiration
Recommended Reading: The Opposite

Real estate is an all encompassing profession.  The great agents learnover time to make room for their personal lives.  The great agents are entrepreneurial and consumed with their success and the success of their clients.

Great agents have the ability to set themselves apart from the masses.  People recognize their drive, ambition and forthrightness.  But first people have to know they exist.

Author of Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable Seth Godin has built quite a readership over at his blog.  A readership that dwarfs that of most other bloggers.  He provokes thought and contemplation.  He endlessly invokes in you the will to be better.  And helps to point you towards the tools to do so.

The Opposite is a post that will make you wonder.  Make you think.  Make you work.  If you are constantly looking for the edge that separates you from your competition you will want to take a few minutes from each day for this daily dose of will.  I recommend you find Your Opposite to start.


Geno Petro Chicago Real Estate Blog

Author: Geno Petro
Blog: Chicago's Home Weblog
Topics: All things Chicago real estate related
Recommended Reading: Ol' St. Joe Is Good To Go 

In the year 1440 Johannes Gutenberg released upon Europe the single most important invention to date and for centuries to come.  The printing press literally changed the fortunes and freedom of all mankind.

Not since that time has there been such a revolution of ideas in printed form.  History will judge the intellectual use of the Internet and it's uses such as blogging.  And with the amount of garbage out there I can only hope that those historians can come across the writings of Geno Petro.

Geno seems to make a very good living as a Chicago real estate agent.  And his blog reflects this.  But more than that Geno has often mentioned his love of writing, or the want of sharing the written word.  He draws you in with written images that make you believe the situation is real.  All the while never forgetting that weaving the tale only works if the reader comes away having enjoyed, understood and digested.

An examination of a man's culture, youth and yes, faith, are featured in one of the best written blog posts I have ever read.  Somehow it even manages to intertwine a real estate theme.  I even hesitate calling it a blog post.  A short thesis would be more to the point.  With care and humor and forethought this story of St. Joseph and selling houses is en-lighting and, at one point, made me stop an laugh out loud.  Really.  Not just lol.  But a real live out loud laugh.  And that's good for the soul.

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Toby Boyce
C.G. Boyce Real Estate Co. - Delaware, OH
MBA, Delaware Ohio
Great choices and a great collection of bloggers.
Aug 20, 2007 09:47 AM
delete account
Clayton, MO
Seth has a great blog! I've never read the other two....I'll have to check those out. Thanks!
Aug 20, 2007 10:02 AM
Colleen Irwin
Retired - Irondequoit, NY
Creative Real Estate Solutions...
Aug 20, 2007 10:37 AM
Chris Lengquist
Ad Astra Realty - Olathe, KS
Kansas City Real Estate Investing

Carole - Yes, he does.

Joan - Now you can enjoy in two places.

janeAnne - I'm flattered.  Thank you much.

Toby - Thank you.

Pamela - Have fun.

To The Judges - Thank you for your consideration.  I really enjoy reading those three and I really enjoy blogging.  It's really that simple.

Aug 20, 2007 10:40 AM
Carole Cohen
Howard Hanna Cleveland City Office - Cleveland, OH
Realtor, ePRO
Congratulations, Chris!
Aug 20, 2007 10:46 AM
Lola Audu
Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
Congratulations on your win in the contest.  I have really enjoyed visiting your recommendations.  I had read Seth's blog but not the others.  I laughed at Geno's experience with St. Joe...I agree with his conclusion about his mother's prayers! :)
Aug 20, 2007 11:00 AM
Ann Cummings
RE/MAX Shoreline - NH and Maine - Portsmouth, NH
Portsmouth NH Real Estate Preferrable Agent

Hi Chris - CONGRATS on your 2nd place win in this contest!!!


Aug 20, 2007 11:36 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

Terrific selections, Chris and a great post yourself. Congrats on the win. I love Godin's stuff and get it by RSS. Thanks for sharing.


Aug 20, 2007 12:48 PM
Sharon Simms
Coastal Properties Group International - Christie's International - Saint Petersburg, FL

Congratulations on your win! I read Seth Godin all the time through my Google Reader so had read that post, but appreciate the links to the other two.

You had great visual appeal - kudos to you!

Aug 20, 2007 01:43 PM
John Novak
Keller Williams Realty The Marketplace - Las Vegas, NV
Henderson, Las Vegas and Summerlin Real Estate

Congrats on 2nd place in the challenge, Chris! Both this and your KC blog have great writing and nice layouts. I've heard there will be a big announcement at Mega Camp about blogging. You're already ahead of the curve!

Aug 20, 2007 01:58 PM
Laurie Mindnich
Centennial, CO
I LOVE GENO!  Great post, Chris- and terrific choices eloquently offered.  If I hadn't been so busy at the racetrack, I'd have won.
Aug 20, 2007 02:07 PM
Cindy Lin
Staged4more School of Home Staging - South San Francisco, CA
Host, The Home Staging Show podcast
Great post! I second Seth Godin. His blogs are full of gems. I also recommend all his books.
Aug 20, 2007 02:32 PM
Chris Lengquist
Ad Astra Realty - Olathe, KS
Kansas City Real Estate Investing

Carole - Thanks, again!

Lola - good to hear from you.

Ann - thank you.

Jeff - RSS is a beautiful thing.

Sharon - many thanks!

John - Jim Cronin (Real Estate Tomato) spoke and did a nice job.  Easily 1/2 the audience didn't get it!  But that's okay.  I got a fee t-shirt when we spoke!  Thanks.

Laurie - I figured!  And thanks, eloquent is not something I'm often called!

Cindy - He's always worth the time.

Aug 20, 2007 05:34 PM
Geno Petro
GenoPetro.House - Chicago, IL
Hey Chris...since Seth Godin is probably not going to respond I'll just take this moment to thank you for  him and myself both. I feel that you and I have a great deal in common (at least one Mini-Cooper) and I am grateful for your recognition of my writings. Thank you again for the mention and kind words.

And congratulations on your recognition by the judges. I am sure they didn't mean to spell your name wrong in the 'Winners' post on the AR Home Page. They did seem to compensate however, by awarding you 1000 points--which is good. It is my understanding that when playing for the Phillies, John Kruk once traded his players number for a case of Miller Light and a carton of cigarettes but I do not believe he received any points.

See you around the 'sphere...

Aug 21, 2007 12:34 AM
Chris Lengquist
Ad Astra Realty - Olathe, KS
Kansas City Real Estate Investing
Geno - With a name like Lengquist, I have learned over the years that the bank will still cash the check even with a few minor discrepancies.  :)  And thank you to you and Seth. 
Aug 21, 2007 01:19 AM
Diane Aurit
LKN Realty, LLC - Mooresville, NC
Lake Norman Real Estate
Great post...congratulations.  I just subcribed to Seth's blog!  (By the way, we have a fun are they?!)
Aug 21, 2007 01:38 AM
Gary Bolen
McCall Realty - South Lake Tahoe, CA
CRS - Lake Tahoe Real Estate Information
Congrats on winning the contest. Your writing, photoshop work and the sites you focused on are excellent. We just posted something that details what we got out of it. Particularly appreciate you leading us to Geno. That is too cool.
Aug 21, 2007 09:23 AM
Cyndee Haydon
Charles Rutenberg Realty - Clearwater, FL
727-710-8035 Clearwater, Beach Short Sales Luxury Condos &Homes
Chris - Congrats on winning 2nd - Love everything Seth Godin - glad you helped promote his blog - always learning from him. Way to take the challenge!! 
Aug 21, 2007 01:33 PM
Caroline Dunn
Rossman Realty Group, Inc - Cape Coral, FL
Realtor Cape Coral Florida

Hi Chris,

Nice job! Congratulations on getting 2nd place!

Aug 21, 2007 11:12 PM
Pat Hommel
Annapolis Plaza CB Residential and Commercial - Annapolis, MD
Annapolis, AA Co., Md. Real Estate Sales


Thanks for bringing these blogs to our attention - excellent.


Aug 23, 2007 08:28 AM