
Laurie Manny Challenge - 3 Posts I Think You Should Read

Services for Real Estate Pros with Crye-Leike, Realtors

Variety is the spice of life... isn't that how the saying goes? So here's a few reading selections for those feeling a little adventurous. Oh and if you don't know what the heck the Laurie Manny Challenge is, read here.

rss1st Selection:      RSS Pieces

RSS pieces gives ideas for your writing and marketing your blog, and seo - All specific to real estate. Mary McKnight is one of the contributers. She used to write her on Active Rain. I choose this site because the writers here consistently offer useful information. One example is...

Article: 7 Day Plan to Real Estate Blog Success 

As a side note for all the seo fans... google maintains official google blogs on a variety of topics. If you are ever looking to debunk seo myths - go straight to the source - google's webmaster blog - for all the seo fans, not just for webmasters.


ben's blog2nd Selection:      Ben's Blog

Have you thought about your freedom and power - blogging in a country where freedom of speech is not only permitted, but embraced? I've read outside blogs written by people about life in China. It helps bring me out of my little world and realize that I should never take my life and opportunities for granted. For some of us blogging may just be about business or seo etc, but to others it is a way to get their voice out and promote change.

Article: Damn the Censors

The individual post to best illustrate this is listed above. However in general I enjoy the writing about China more on Ben's blog I selected for this whole category. My point in including this as a selection here...

Consider the types of blogs you post...

  • Where is there room for improvement?
  • Spend some time and find your blog voice.
  • Not everyone can blog as freely as we can.
  • Great ideas for your blogs come from all sources.
  • Get out there and read about  topics you like outside of real estate.
  • You never know what inspriration for your real estate blog could come from your other interests.

If you liked this you may also enjoy this post: When I grow up I (don't) want to be a barber (Are you doing what you love?)

customer service blog3rd Selection:      The Kevin Eikenberry Group Customer Service Blog

This blog is all about customer service. The concepts can be applied to any field...mortgages, real estate, staging, doctors, librarians :) I like this blog because most of the posts are short, sweet, to the point... they give you a good concept to consider in just a couple minutes of your time.

Article: Customer Service Made Simple



real estate tech blog

Honorable Mention:      My Tech Opinion - Technology for Real Estate

Offers technology info specific to real estate. I think a lot of people here will like a lot of the posts.
Have you ever heard the debate... should I require visitors to register on my site to view data? I am of the opinion... No way, but I haven't seen stats back it up. Here's an article on that.

IDX Lead Capture Technology

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Joe Bartolotta Florida's Upfront Mortgage Broker
Fidelity Mortgage Services - Altamonte Springs, FL
Angie - Excellent information!!!!  I am interested in reading more on the RSS blogs and the Blog University as well.
Aug 16, 2007 03:34 PM
Colleen Irwin
Retired - Irondequoit, NY
Creative Real Estate Solutions...
Wow!  Some great choices!    Thanks for entering!     
Aug 17, 2007 12:44 AM
Laurie Manny
Long Beach CA Real Estate - Long Beach, CA


Great choices.  I especially appreciated Ben's Blog, Damn the Censors.  Too often we take our Freedom of Speech as a God given right and forget that we are privileged among the nations on our planet. 

Great Job ! ! ! 

Aug 17, 2007 08:40 PM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger

Hi everyone - Thanks so much for stopping by. Sorry for the late reply...I did not touch my computer all day yesterday :) Kind of refreshing though.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the picks. My personal favorite is Damn the Censors. It helps give me a little perspective. Plus I just thought the whole concept of inserting images for all the words they can't say is just pretty cool. We look a different gadgets for our blogs and here there are other people looking for gadgets to just allow them to say what they want to say.

I think blogging allows for so much expression from people's voices that wouldn't necessarily have been heard before.

Aug 18, 2007 05:49 AM
Carole Cohen
Howard Hanna Cleveland City Office - Cleveland, OH
Realtor, ePRO
Angie, ty ty for the Censoritive post. So different and he writes well, I saved Ben to my favorites
Aug 18, 2007 10:39 AM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger

Carole - I'm so glad you found a blogger you enjoy. It is something special to be able to read something here and there, day after day, that makes you think or makes you happy or...

Aug 18, 2007 10:42 AM
Janie Coffey
First Coast Sotheby’s International Realty - Ponte Vedra, FL
Uniting Extraordinary Homes w/ Extraordinary Lives
great collection Angie, I see you really did your homework, I can't wait to check them out, although I am already a fan of RSS Pieces
Aug 18, 2007 02:52 PM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger
Hi Janie - I see we're both up late. Hope you enjoy it. I think RSS Pieces is pretty popular. I've seen other people who selected that one as well. They just have a lot of good stuff.
Aug 18, 2007 03:14 PM


After I read your thoughtful selections, I hopped on over to your BLOG and subscribed. Thanks for this post and your own BLOG.

Aug 19, 2007 06:28 AM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger

janeAnne - I'm glad you enjoyed it. Subscribing is one of the nicest compliments. Thank you.

Aug 19, 2007 06:31 AM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger
I was reading the challenge post written by John Novak and I ended up stumbling across the ProBlogger. I would also recommend his post about creating a sneeze page for your blog. It gave me some good things to think about.... It has to do with when you build up some great blog content in your archives how to get it so people will still see it and find it.
Aug 19, 2007 07:39 AM
Midori Miller
Talk 2 Midori, LLC - Daytona Beach, FL
Online Marketing For Real Estate Professionals
Angie-Well you took me where I have never been before.  I do like RSS Pieces...the other's I will have to check out!  Thanks 
Aug 19, 2007 02:49 PM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger
Midori - That is such a nice response. I like it when people show me something new. It gets a little boring to always see the same stuff :) Hope you enjoyed the experience as well.
Aug 20, 2007 02:30 AM
Lola Audu
Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
Angie...Just stopped by to Congratulate you on your Honorable Mention!  I enjoyed reading your blog choices.
Aug 20, 2007 11:22 AM
Sharon Simms
Coastal Properties Group International - Christie's International - Saint Petersburg, FL
Angie - nice collection and links. You offered some that I'd never seen before. Thanks.
Aug 20, 2007 01:54 PM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger

Lola - Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the selections.

Sharon - Thank you. There is so much out there. I found a lot that I had never seen before as well.

Aug 21, 2007 01:14 AM
Michelle DeRepentigny
Success Realty - Athens, GA
Broker Athens, GA
Angie, great blogs to point out!  I thoroughly enjoyed the  customer service one and will be adding it to my regular list.
Aug 21, 2007 12:08 PM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger
Michelle - Glad you found one you liked. I had been reading a lot of customer service stuff recently and actually wrote a couple of my own blogs about customer service. I had fun writing these if you want to check them out - here's a link to those blogs.
Aug 22, 2007 02:31 AM
Karen Hurst
Rhode Island Waterfront!
Angie, Great selections (now get back to work!)  Only kidding. I admire you for doing this. I went out and got lost in the reading!
Aug 23, 2007 01:16 PM
Angie Vandenbergh
Crye-Leike, Realtors - Memphis, TN
A Crye-Leike Blogger
Hi Karen - thanks for checking them out. Glad you got lost for a little while. That's nice sometimes.
Aug 24, 2007 12:26 AM