OK, I admit it - when I first read Colleen's post on this 'outside blog reading contest', I thought there was no way I'd be interested in that at all. Why? Because I was too comfy right here in my own little comfy cushy quilt-lined safety nest here in Active Rain.
I rarely venture out into the blogosphere unless something in a post I read here completely compells me to, or unless I go out to look longingly at some of the real beauties here from some of my AR pals. But then I hurry right back here to my nice little nest.....
After much stewing and hemming and hawing about it, I decided I needed to get a grip and just get outside my nest, and see what's going on in the other blogging worlds out there. After a few (more than a few!) pokes and prods from well-meaning friends, I did just that.
I checked out a number of them on the list on the contest post, and I saw some more great blogs in the list janeAnne put together for us. And then.........I found a few more and a few more and a few more, and before I knew it, I was actually ENJOYING what I was doing! Who knew????
So many great posts were bookmarked that I read, and I've finally culled them down to these three that I really wanted to share here with you. And I hope those who take the time to check them out enjoy them as much as I did!
DistintivePhoenix.com has some great writing and really cool pictures on it. I found an article written by Greg Swan, "Why didn't your house sell? Price, preparation, presentation - and availability ", to be a great read for sellers in this market. It's concise and to the point, and states in simple terms exactly why many properties aren't selling right now.
I know I like to give my sellers and potential sellers articles that will be of benefit to them and to me, and this is certainly one of those. The old saying that "50 miles and a briefcase make an expert", can also apply in writings as well. Sure, I can say what Greg has so succinctly written, but seeing it in print written by someone else lends credence to what you're saying. Here it is, all done up for you!
RSSPieces.com is just chalk-full of VERY helpful and useful information on blogging - what to do, what not to do, how to do it, why, etc. Mary McKnight writes great articles that are helpful to bloggers of all stages, but especially to those of us who are still looking for a little help or a little encouragement that we're headed in the right direction. And who can't use some tips and great ideas every now and then?
I found this article, "The Ten Commandments of Blogging and Commenting" to be a great read to recommend to everyone. This is the perfect 'how-to" post on blogging and creating great relationships around the blogosphere. It's easy for some to get caught up in not-so-great behavior, and her post explains very nicely some great common-sense guidelines.
The 3rd blog I read, BloodhoundRealty.com blog, was a little intimidating to me at first because it was so 'famous'. But then, I found this article by Jeff Brown, Bawldguy.com, and it really kinda hit home with me.
"Real Estate Bloggers - Why Are You Blogging? What Currency Does Your Banker Accept? " made me realize that although there are many people out there that are talked about as the 'experts in the blogging world', maybe some of them really aren't, and maybe, just maybe, we should really be paying attention to what our own blogs are doing for us, instead of what those 'experts' tell us we should be doing.
Sure, Jeff talks about the last Inman Connect conference, but that's NOT really what spoke to me in this article. It's all about measuring the success of your blog not by how the experts talk, but by the business you derive from it. If you're getting business from it, ignore those who criticize you and tell you to do things differently. Read the questions he asks - these will open your eyes if nothing else did!
He closed his post with these words, which I LOVE..... "Real estate pros from all parts of the country, offering all the different but related services, might want to think about focusing on $EO a little more than SEO - you might just find your banker is happier to see you coming." If you're getting business from your blog, you're doing something right - keep it up!!
So, after my beginner's journey out into the blogosphere, and finding these 3 articles to pass on to you, I can tell you that my "comfy cushy quilt-lined safety nest here in Active Rain" has just gotten bigger, and will, in all likelihood, continue to grow..... and my thanks to Laurie Manny and Colleen Kulikowski for this challenge that prodded me to get outside my comfort zone!