There are THREE posts I think you should read:
Requiem for the Lazy Agent is a post from the boys at SoundBiteBlog and clearly depicts how the ‘career' real estate professionals will survive in this current slow market and asks for a greatful moment of silence and to bid "lazy agents" everywhere a fond farewell. Please remember to sign the Guest Book. :)
Would You Join A Bloggers Union? this post comes from TheRealEstateBloggers and tells how a group of bloggers want to start a union for all bloggers. How ridiculous! UH, excuse me, I think we pay our dues!
And for all the AR Newbies and anyone else who would like a quick course/ideas on blogging read Real Estate Pros: Start Blogging Now! by the guys at What About Loans. This article was informing and sensible! These bloggers are promising More in-depth blogging tips for real estate and mortgage professionals so it might be worth a bookmark!
So those are my humble suggestions to share with my Active Rain family..... 3 posts I think you should read.