Are you a Driver? Type A, ambitious, compulsive, consumed, directed, forced, galvanized, guided, herded, impelled, induced, monomaniacal, motivated, obsessed, possessed, pushed, steered, urged on. Well are you? Or are you a rider? are you just going with the flow, along for the ride, apathetic, c...
Loch Ness...The beauty and the beast It don't matter if your 5 years old or 95 years old everyone has heard of the Loch Ness Monster right? If not click on the link... Well if you believe in Nessie or not, it still is an interesting story that's for sure. People have been reporting seeing the old...
This is a post for some of my favorite Lady's in the rain. About 7 years ago I lost someone close to me. My Aunt Doe (Dorthy) Not only was she my Aunt she was my best friend. No matter what kind of problem I had she pretty much had the answer or told me to figure it out myself. A little about Aun...
Everyone in Real Estate most likely has a automobile. I'm sure some in a big city may not but most I would think have some type of car , truck , van , suv , crossover .....something they use to get around. Some type of auto right? Well Reading a blog the other day got me to think....I know here I...
As the winter is sneaking up on us Geneva on the Lake is slowing down the outside activity's are closing up for the winter on the strip. The streets during the day will be less busy and the locals will be back to normal life in a small town. But guess what!!!! Now is the time to visit us there is...
Do people really fall for this? Do we really have to send out a warning about this scam? Do people really just think some stranger is going to give you a lot of money for nothing? And how many people do fall for this? Are there really people out there that are just that plain stupid ? These scams...
Well the NASCAR racing season is over but we still have the awards banquet coming up December 4th in Las Vegas. And Jimmy Johnson will be crowned the Cup Series champion for the 4th straight year. Thats all good. But at the end of the race tonight I found out that Rick Hendrick was not at the rac...
This is a little lesson I learned last year that I thought I would pass on to you. Last year I had tenants that were late on the rent. Being the nice guy that I am I would give them some time to catch up. (This is important it is just the 2 of them they both work full time and no kids...) Well w...
Things I have learned from my 4 year old.....A day in the life of Matthew. There is no such thing as child-proofing your house. So don't even waist your time. A 4 years-old's voice is louder than 100 adults in a crowded restaurant. Play Dough and Microwave should never be used in the same sent...