Are Pre-Qualifying & Pre-Approval Different? Do you know what the difference is between getting Pre-Qualified and being Pre-Approved? When making or accepting an offer on your Frisco TX home it is important to know the difference between the two and how it effects the offer. For more information
Impress potential buyers buy making it easy for them to visualize themselves in your home. To help achieve this is it vital to de-clutter and remove and store personal pictures and belongings. For more information please watch the short video below :
A type of prepaid interest mortgage borrowers can purchase that lowers the amount of interest they will have to pay on subsequent payments. Each discount point generally costs 1% of the total loan amount and depending on the borrower, each point lowers your interest rate by one-eighth to one one-
Free Sprinkler System Check-ups in Frisco TX Now is the perfect time to check your sprinkler system's water efficiency and make sure everything is working properly. The City of Frisco offers free sprinkler system check-ups for residents. Email to schedule your free check-up. More information can
How Can I Improve My Frisco TX Home's Value? Improvements to your Frisco, TX home should show well but also fit well within your neighborhood. Buyers are looking for the least expensive home in the best neighborhood they can afford. Generally cosmetic upgrades like paint and appliances will pay o
What Is A Good Faith Estimate and How Can It Help Me? A Good Faith Estate or GFE for short is an estimate that must include an itemized list of fees and costs associated with the loan and must be provided within 3 business days of applying for a loan.
What Exactly Is A Mortgage? A Mortgage is used by purchasers of real property to raise money to buy the property to be purchased or by existing property owners to raise funds for any purpose. The loan is "secured" on the borrower's property.
Renting Compared To Buying The costs of buying a Frisco TX home are more varied and complicated than for renting, making it hard to tell which is a better deal. The main issue is not every house makes a good rental and also a subdivision that is great to rent in may not ben ideal for you to buy
On July 14th 20014 the city of Frisco ended it's contract with CWD for trash and recycling service. Progressive is going to be providing service throughout the City of Frisco.Progressive was due to begin operations on August 1st 2014. However due to the continued and widespread pickup delays resu
8 Reasons to Buy Residential Real Estate in Far North Dallas and Adjoining Counties. With the economy improving, buying a residential rental property could make good business sense, however you still need to buy in the right areas of the DFW Metroplex. 1) Buy a rental property near where you l