Yael's Blog from sunny South Florida

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Right About Real Estate
Inspired by Rich Jacobson's Adventures in 1st time homebuying, I decided to publish in AR my "Welcoming package for buyers and/or sellers". Every new buyer or seller that I work with gets a Welcoming package filled with information on buying or selling a home. The following is an excerpt from my ...
After making a comment on one of Broker Bryant's posts, I guess I'll take him up on the offer of making a post our of my comment.  While competition is healthy for any industry, how we compete may mean the difference between excelling in your marketplace and facing prosecution for antitrust viola...
So it's inevitable: The market is changing. Remember those days when a listing would only remain on the market for a few days? Remember the multiple offers, the cash deals and the appraisals below purchase price that didn't make a difference because buyers had to pay the difference if they wanted...
The Decision to enter the real estate industry is as important as your choice of affiliation. At Right About Real Estate, we are sincere about our quality service and are interested in having a built-to-last business relationship with our associates.If you are a Realtor who thinks Real Estate is ...
We all know that the internet has changed the real estate industry and the way in which home buyers search for homes. Searching the internet before roaming the streets can save you precious time, but using the wrong sources will only confuse you. When searching for homes on the internet, make sur...
If having the latest technology in your home is important to you and your family, then keep an eye out for these 10 cool features and products:1. Automated lighting controls, window coverings, audio systems... From a remote control, you can do anything from turning on and off the lights of one ro...
Avoid having the sale of your home fall through because of things that are well in your control. In most standard contracts, it is specified that a Buyer has the right to inspect the property for damage or malfunction of appliances, plumbing, electric system, A/C unit, termites, roof condition an...
Lets start with what is a Blog? A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network o...

Yael Warman

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