One of my best friends is seriously thinking about walking away from his mortage via a strategic default. But his guilt and sense of moral obligation and ethical responsibiliies are killing him. He wants my opinion... he bought his home in 2007 for about $850,000 and it is now worth only $550,000
A person thinking about buying a home, who is driving around the neighborhood he likes, stops by the curb, activates his mobile phone and touches the Realtor application on the screen. The built-in GPS in his phone identifies his location and within a few minutes he has very detailed information
With tears in her eyes, this recently divorced woman spent a few days packing her belongings into boxes, going through "memory lane" at almost every step. Almost every item had something that was special some long time ago, but not any more. The day before the movers come to collect her things, s
Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Then you know the feeling of going up, and up, and up... and then there is a point when you realize you are about to experience one of the most basic laws of nature: what goes up, must come down! Yes, I am a Realtor and this analogy is very real in my busin
Back in 2007, when our real estate market started going... nowhere. My wife and I went to a movie called Pirates of The Caribbean. As the movie ended, she turns to me and says, wouldn't it be nice if we make our house look like a Pirate Ship for Halloween? I looked at her in disbelief and started
As a Professional Realtor, I am in the front lines and play an important part, up close and very personal when representing a homeowner who is facing foreclosure. How do you stay up beat during these trying times? Selling a house used to be a voluntary, smooth and well thought out process. Typica
What if a good portion of the money you pay in rent, were to be put on a place where you will get some interest and when you decide to leave that residence you get a hefty payoff? As a homeowner, that is exactly what you get. The sooner you start, the earliest you finish. One of the most basic n
Getting a home loan today is getting harder and harder, and home buyers who are unprepared could find themselves homeless if they misbehave while applying for a loan. Lending institutions now check, double check and triple check their applicants until the very last day they fund their loans. A r
Most lawsuits in real estate transactions, are the result of buyers feeling that the seller did not tell them all they knew about the house, before they bought it. Most home sellers have no idea how easy it is to land in court with their home buyer. A few steps outlined here can help, if followed
Home buyers with only One Million dollars to spend in housing should look to the east side of the San Francisco bay. San Leandro is a small, friendly town tucked right in the middle of the bay, between the Bay Bridge and the San Mateo Bridge. Population is about 80,000 people. It covers an area o