Wayne Martin's Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Wayne M Martin
Trivia question answers for Thursday October 31, 20241. Who created the character of Winnie the Pooh? A.A. Milne2. What is the sport in the movie "Field of Dreams"? Baseball3. What do peacocks mate with? Peahens4. The "miner's lamp" is also known as what? Davy's LampTrivia questions for Friday No...
Trivia question answers for Wednesday October 30, 20241. What is a male donkey called? A jack2. In what decade was the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster? 1970's3. Where is the Parthenon located? Greece4. A Phon is a unit of what? LoudnessTrivia questions for Thursday October 31, 20241. Who creat...
Trivia question answers for Wednesday October 29, 20241. Who was the voice of the Donkey in the "Shriek" movie series? Eddie Murphy2. Which fruit comes in the Beefsteak and Roma variety? Tomatoes3. In the "P2P" network, what does the "P" stand for? Peer4. What percentage of air is composed of oxy...
Trivia question answers for Monday October 28, 20241. What is Mickey Mouse's dog's name? Pluto2. What state has the most miles of rivers? Nebraska3. Who won a grammy award for the song "Mack the Knife"? Bobbie Darin4. What does the abbreviation SUV stand for? Sport Utility VehicleTrivia questions...
Trivia question answers for Sunday October 27, 20241. What was Buzz Lightyear's original name? Lunar Larry2. Which U.S. state has the largest aquifer? Nebraska3. What animal is Indiana Jones afraid of? Snakes4. Who was Ronald Reagan's first wife? Jane WymanTrivia questions for Monday October 28, ...
Trivia question answers for Saturday October 26, 20241. In what US state was Abraham Lincoln born in? Kentucky2. Who played the TV role of T.J. Hooker? William Shatner3. What is the world's fastest dog? The Greyhound4. What is a shadow clock? A sundialTrivia questions for Sunday October 27, 20241...
Trivia question answers for Friday October 25, 20241. How do you know cheese curds are fresh? They squeak2. What is the longest running US game show? Price is Right3. How many children did Lucy and Desi have? Two4, Who sang "You can call me Al? Paul SimonTrivia questions for Saturday October 26, ...
Trivia questions for Thursday October 24, 20241. What colors are the Swiss Flag? Red and white2. Taylor Swift grew up on what type of farm? Christmas tree farmĀ 3. What is James Naismith best known for? Inventing basketball4. Which US state shares the shortest border with Canada? PennsylvaniaTrivi...
Trivia question answers for Wednesday October 23, 20241. What are you doing if you are shucking an oyster? Opening it2. Which country is the world's most visited? France3. What is the most common official state dance in the US? Square dancing4. Gouda cheese originated in what country? The Netherl...
Trivia questions for Tuesday October 22, 20241. Which former US President was a peanut farmer? Jimmy Carter2. Honeydew is a variety of what? Melon3. What country borders Egypt to the west? Libya4. A photic sneeze is often caused by what stimuli? SunlightTrivia questions for Wednesday October 23, ...

Wayne Martin

Real Estate Broker - Retired
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