The Magnificent Northwest One of the greatest pleasures in my life is to see the world around us and capture it in a way that might allow others to feel and appreciate some of the amazing beauty that is a part of our world. The color and splendor is almost beyond ones imagination if you have nev
Oops! Call out the ActiveRain Bridge Builders I am sure we have all encountered this one time or another in our lives, when going forward just doesn't seem possible. While the impasse does pose a problem, with creativity and diligence, we discover that all things are possible. At ActiveRain, w
01/25/2012 after April 19,2012 will be no more. This free photo editing program that has helped so many in ActiveRain to edit photos is closing it's doors. There are a number of us that use other photo editing software but no one can argue that the many things that Picnik provided beyond simple
Using Dropbox App to Add photos to Blog Post Created on the iPad This blog was written and the photo above was added to this blog directly from my iPad. Step 1 Download Dropbox onto your PC or Mac and download the free Dropbox App to you iPad. Step 2 if your photo resides on your computer, l
Why Do You Think Readers Read Your Blog Posts and Who Are They ? This may seem a silly question because most of us think we add value to people's lives with our real estate information, market updates, community assets and events, etc. but since we don't usually talk to most of our readers, how d
The Challenge of Perfect Balance In all of our lives we endeavor to keep things in balance. Between home life, business and our outside hobbies and interests, balance sometimes alludes us. I watched the gentleman that created this and I still have no idea how he actually made this happen. I hav
San Diego Birch Aquarium Announces New Benefit For San Diegans Birch Aqarium Whale Fountain The San Diego Birch Aquarium is celebrating 20 years of it's new remodeled current location on Expedition Drive above the beautiful Ja Jolla Shores Beach. Marking this celebration, the Aquarium is offeri
Testing out the new 400 mm telephoto lens at the San Diego coastline, this Pelican gave me his best side and seemed to like the idea that I was focusing on him. Looking modest was an act that he seemed to have mastered quite well. "Well shucks mister if I had known you were coming, I would have
Meet Larry, Curly and Moe. They are three Moray eels found at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla. Often referred to as mosters of the sea, these curious creatures are not actually the mosters they are thought to be. Their shape and habits do however give them some real advantages for survival. A fe
This photo was taken from across the San Diego Bay at Cabrillo Monument at the tip of Point Loma near the light house. The views from Point Loma seem to go on forever. The vastness of the view on a clear day goes out clear out to the range of mountains in East San Diego. Coronado Isalnd is actua