Whenever we have a barbecue, my loving wife goes into the kitchen and starts to prepare all the food hours in advance. You know, the small task of making appetizers, salads and dessert. When everyone starts to arrive, I greet them at the door, have small talk for a couple of minutes, and then I h...
Don't we all want to feel important? I think this is the number one feeling that drives people to greatness. If you feel good about yourself and what you're doing, it cuts down on all sorts of mental blocks you might otherwise have. So, if you make someone else feel good about what they are doing...
All you have to do is pick up your Bible and read Proverbs. It talks about attaining wisdom, knowledge, and discipline. These are not new ideas! Greats like Henry Ford understood the power of these three words, and lived them to better mankind. The more you know, the more you are worth to yoursel...
Stop letting things you have done, or had done to you, keep you from living today. My father in-law always tells me "I don't regret even one day in my life. If life wouldn't have given me challenges, I wouldn't be where I am today!" He's 86 years old and still splits his own fire wood! Has he mad...
Think back to when you were a teenager and you will totally relate to what I have to say. A teenager's best friend is the mirror! My kids can't go by one without stopping. my son is the worst. If there is a mirror behind you, you can see him looking past you as if you don't even exist, just to se...
As I progress in life, I have been blessed to have several friends, much older than me, that continue to look, act, and feel much younger than the calendar says they are. Their energy and their constant search for the next exciting adventure has always amazed me. My challenge for you is to not on...
Why do people complain so much? Is it because they have nothing better to do? Does it make them feel better about themselves to prey on other's habits? Don't you just have to step back, take a breath, and ask yourself "Does anything that person is complaining about have any relevance to what hap...
I relate this to customer call backs. I think our minds can be our own worst enemy. Why would anyone want to talk to me? My mind will make up all kinds of excuses on why not to make the call, but is really just based on the fear of failure. When I was a kid playing baseball I remember putting on ...
A sculptor produces a master piece, not with one blow of his hammer, but by placing his chisel in the right place and then gently tapping it to make the perfect mark in the stone. Well positioned tasks can also create a master piece, one objective at a time. Treat each one as if it was the most i...
Henry Ford and Benjamin Franklin were both considered geniuses. What did they listen to the most? Their imagination! Only when you learn to listen to your imagination can you find the things no one else can see. I'm reading a book right now that talks about making mental maps of what your thought...