I have taught my kids that I don't believe in or depend on luck for anything. I have taught them that the only thing they will receive in life isthe opportunities they create for themselves through diligenceand hard work. If you truly were waiting for luck to show up you could be waiting your who...
Zig Ziglar say's that most people think about work when they are at home with their families, and home when they are at work. Guilty as charged! He suggests that if we turned that around, we would be truly more productive and engaging. This is the key to a good nights sleep.
What are you waiting for? Do you think someone else is going to do your tasks for you? I see it all the time. The people who complain the most about not hitting their goals usually are the ones who are the biggest procrastinators. They make excuses about things coming up that were more important,...
I can speak from experience about how important it is to stay focused on your own personal goal and not become distracted by the accomplishments or activities of others. Consistently improving your daily activities will result in a life time of improvements that will ultimately make you one of th...
I'm really trying to make my site look good like some of the others but I can't figure out how to put a back ground on it. I see where people put four pictures together and make it look like a wallpaper but I haven't been able to figure it out. HELP!
When I was trying to pick a quote today, this one really hit home. I'm hoping we have turned the corner on my kids looking like me and more like their mother, and that would be a good thing! I also try my best to act in a manner that they can look back on, when they get older, and respect the dec...
You can't let failure take away what you are truly focusing on which is the end result. Keep enthused about the outcome, not the path that got you there. The path will change constantly due to new information you will uncover in the process. Always keep the end result in mind and you will never l...
I have had to swallow a few large portions of humble pie over the years, sometimes with the aid of my wife and kids.(What is family for!) It's a learning curve none of us like to digest, but is often necessary to grow. So as your mother used to tell you chew it quick and move on.
Something interesting happened the other night that made me reflect on what true character is and what it takes to earn it. One of my kid's friends did something irresponsible and came over to apologize. It was a common mistake that a young person might make trying to impress their peers. As I li...
If you do drop the ball, sometimesyou get a second chance to redeem yourself and pick it back up. In the game of life, you can't afford to drop the ball to often because you can never be sure it will be passed back to you. So when the ball is in your court, make the most of it.