A few weeks ago my daughter played in the state 1A girls soccer quarterfinals. When I got home from work the night just before the game, I asked her if she had any big plans for one of her last games as a senior. She walked up to me with a big smile and , with confidence and conviction, said "No ...
Spending money in this cultural is at epidemic proportions. We spend thousands to make others think we have it all together. The print ads and television make you think that you need everything from an electric shoe buffer to the latest greatest gizmo's and gadgets. What you really need is time! ...
I don't know about you, but who wants to lay an egg! This is a good time of year to time block. This will keep you from lying around wondering what you should do next. One of the people I work with decided that things were getting a little hectic, so she needed to time block. Well, you could see ...
This weekend was Home Coming for our kids. This one was particularly special to all of us because it's our daughter's senior year. The one thing that was really evident was how comfortable the group was with each other because of their years of being together. Friendships like these create stron...
Believe me when I say that heredity had nothing to do with my daughter's grades! She has worked hard to maintain her grades, even when she was in elementary school. She has always treated her education as a career, and now she is going to be rewarded for all her hard work. She received good news ...
I should have known I had a problem when I realized my mom was only 5'2" with her hair all fluffed up! My New Years resolution is not to get thinner, but grow taller. I knew I was doing it all wrong!The only thing that got thinner on me last year was my hair:). I look forward to a better year thi...
When, I was sixteen, I worked on a Sheep farm and one of the jobs was to clean out the "sheep do". It was at least 8 inches thick in the stalls, and it took days to get that smell out of my nose. There was so much material, I needed to find some help, so I asked at school if anyone was interested...
My wife's father is 86 years old and I have been spending a lot more time with him lately (e.g. taking him to his appointments). After we have accomplished what we set out to do, he likes to go to lunch and visit. This might seem boring to some, but for me it is a great learning opportunity. Sitt...
When you think in negative terms, things don't work out as well as you would like, You should be impatient with negative people, because they can have an adverse impact on your thought process. I like to block out those people in my mind as fast as I can. That doesn't mean I don't listen to const...
I started the New Year by watching too much football. I noticed that the announcers, no matter what game I turned to were constantly making references to which coach had prepared the best game plan. As you start the New Year do you have your game plan in place? If not, now is the time to implemen...