My wife is one of those people that can pack a suitcase like no other. I declare, when we go on trips, she can pack everything except the kitchen sink. She also is one of the hardest workers I know. She plans her choices wisely each morning, preparing for the things she wants to accomplish that d...
I was driving though a parking lot the other day and I saw two people having a conversation. I couldn't hear them, but they were quite animated. I can tell you that, whatever they were talking about, it had them shaking their heads so much, they looked like a couple of bobble head dolls! I didn't...
Sometimes we are so passionate about something, we move forward without really evaluating what the challenges, or possiblesetbacks, might be. Years ago, I worked with the owner of a large business whose philosophy was to "Shoot first, aim later!" He picked this little saying up from a book called...
When I bought my first investment property the agent I was working with at the time took me to some homes that I wouldn't even let my dog live in. I spent six hours with him that first day looking and learning. Discouraged at the end of the day he told me I was looking at the homes all wrong. I w...
This is why I have so many friends! I need all the help I can get! I can assure you that, when I write the Juice for the day, if one of you thinks I need to get back on track, in any area, you have no problem in clicking reply. That is one of the benefits of doing this. I have all of you to keep ...
Our kids' school has a week called "intersession" where they are given the opportunity to help others. Our daughter chose to go to New Orleans where she helped repair, and build, homes that were damaged, or destroyed, by Hurricane Katrina. Our son worked with World Vision in their warehouse, assi...
My wife's grandmother use to say an old ditty that went like this "If wishes were fishes and horse turds were biscuits, we'd eat 'till we died." They would say this back in the early 1900s when her grandmother was a little girl. I like it! To get to your wishes you might have to kick a few turds ...
If you watched the inaugural speech a coupleof days ago, you saw President Obama trying to inject the seeds of hope into our minds. History shows us that every politician before him has advocated change in their effort to get elected. The difference was President Obama was giving us a call to act...
As we all know, only a fool thinks they have all the answers. One of the things that I have prided myself on over the years is not just coming up with the questions, but most importantly, where or who to turn to for the answers. Is your database full of these types of resourceful individuals?
Are you good at something? Of course you are! Do you remember the game where you would put as many pennies on your elbow as possible, then swing your arm down quickly to try and catch as many as you could in your hand? I used to be really good at that, but, I can remember driving my mom crazy bec...