If you owe a debt to someone else and they cancel or forgive that debt, the canceled amount may be taxable, ... what is the correct answer ....? The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 generally allows taxpayers to exclude income from the discharge of debt on their principal residence. Debt reduc...
3.6 million mortgages in the US that are 90 days+ delinquent or in foreclosure This is very unsettling information from the MBAA that out of 3.6 million mortgages in the US that are 90 days + delinquent or in foreclosure, more than half of the delinquent and foreclosing loans in the United State...
New Home sales raised 11 % in June, the best news for a long time ... ! New Home sales raised 11 % in June as per Commerce department, this is a strongest increase since last November 2008. Stabilization of housing market is eminent, and of course even price increases , the best news since the ...
here it is the Summary for ......... Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act Effective with all new loan apps taken JULY 30, 2009 AND ... more hoops to jumps throug foa all of us ... 5 key impacts: 1. Starting with new applications on July 30, 2009, upfront fees cannot be collected, including the app...
Home prices are holding steady, and in some cases going over market value, one example, craftsman house in California, North Monrovia of Greystone and Ivy , listed at $698,000 and sold at $925,000 ... with multiple offers .. ! That is one huge gain for anybody now a days ... for ANY area and city...
Insurance Commissioner did his Job Finally! Title profiles are Free again as it has been for 50+ years for Realtors and Buyers & Sellers. Good News, as of this morning the FREE title profile include the docs and comps again. This should be already updated on your online profile searches as well ...
Another bad news to already depressed real estate market in California, Greedy politicians dipping in Real estate services' and Realtors' pockets !!!!! There is no more free title profiles for Realtors from title companies, and consequentially free service for consumers from Realtors , offered fo...
CIPS certificate holders feedback needed .... I am thinking of taking CIPS Designation courses and the whole enchilada with it .... :-) in addition to my standing ready , e-PRO , TRC certificates .... with no much luck or business out of it so far .. There is a steep cost and yearly fees for ...
I have not long ago , finished my e-PRO cetificate, NAR designation ... So far no referrals or similar are comming to my office. Does anybody has any luck with his or hers e-PRO cetificate referrals ..?? Thanks for any feedback , good or bad .. :-) John Vostenak Agency: Century 21 Ludeck...
I have not long ago , finished my TRC, transnational referrals certificate. So far no referrals or similar are comming to my office. Does anybody has any luck with his or hers TRC referrals ..?? Thanks for any feedback , good or bad .. :-) John Vostenak Agency: Century 21 Ludecke Realty 2...