Free MLS access, Free MLS searches, all property kind search, mapped searches, Listings Searches, Property Searches, Real Estate for Sale Searches, to all areas of Greater Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside,San Bernardino,Desert Areas MLSs ...I am offering to all potential clinets, buyers ,sellers ,...
I am not sure about many articles here in various blog's entries ... about " referrals " ?! but ... I rather do referrals the old fashion way ..... ask for it directly .. :-) , please keep me on your Los Angeles areas referral list ,I pay 30% also !referral fee 30 % to all referring agents, br...
Hello ActiveRainers around the World , This is John Vostenak , one of your Active Rainers & friend in Real estate :-) I hope you enjoyed a warm and merry Christmas, Hanukah, Edith, Kwanza, holidays in general with family and friends and You Are ready to welcome 2007 with a bang and great prospe...
Choosing Realtor right for the job John Vostenak , real estate broker helping buyer and seller since 1984 ! When you know where you want to buy. you're ready to choose a real estate agent to help you find the house. Hopefully , you will chose John Vostenak, broker helping buyers and sellers sinc...
Baroque Castle of Imperial House of Hapsburgs is SOLD !we have others : The Hapsburgs were Kings of Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Hungary, while holding dozens of other titles throughout the lands they ruled. See enclosed map of Hapsburgs lands in year of 1718.The ...
Real Estate Property Link Exchange FREE Offer to Qualified Web sites to improve Your Web Site Search Engine Rating , and Visibility on the Internet ....Top Rated site is looking for real estate brokers' and agents', MLS's listings web sites with which to exchange we...
Unwanted, hated, despised spam emails removal Dear fellow real estate agents and brokers .I have received this email today 12-13-06 . I looks like a regular .. " African, Turkish IP address SPAM !" I want to bring it up , so we all are aware of it , and ... trash it as it deserves !Also I like...
Dear fellow brokers and hotel sellers , hotel owners , hotel investors : I need a major hotel to purchase in southern california for my client , liquid client want to buy a major full service hotel in southern california , los angeles , orange county areas preferred , but flexible for the right ...
my welcome of Century 21 brokers network ! Glad it happened finally , great idea .. since Century 21 SYSTEM ... IS THE LARGEST REALTY IN THE WORLD .. :-) , but centrally I DO NOT want to diminish all other hard working hundreds of thousands brokers from various brokerages around the world ... we ...
Rare Value-Add/ Redevelopment / Opportunity for New Development of 80 Units Luxury CondominiumsLocation! location! Strong Infill LocationHot New Development Area of Los Angeles, Greater Downtown Area ... Great 80 Units Luxury Condominium Project Development Opportunity In The Heart Of Vibrant Kor...