Victoria Lynne Henderson HomeBuyer Brokerage

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - HomeBuyer Brokerage
Victoria Lynne Henderson is the owner & broker of HomeBuyer Brokerage LLC. Licensed in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia, Victoria works for homebuyers in every real estate transaction. Member of the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents ( licensed Realtor in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC Specializing in Home Buyer representation focusing on property evaluation, negotiation, and attentive service to Buyer clients.



 When I was looking for our home, I had a vivid mental picture of what it would look like and it did not include shag carpet and an old kitchen.  House after house, I kept looking for my perfect dream home, despite the fact that I was on a very tight budget.  The first day I saw our house, I walk...
Of course you do! It's a short drive or Metro ride across the Potomac River to Washington D.C.  Arlington Virginia is a diverse, vibrant community! Restaurants, shops, organic grocery stores, parks, outdoor recreation space and libraries. One of my best high school friends lives in Arlington's Ro...
Housing Inventory is low in Maryland and Washington D.C. In this housing market, buyers should get out to see a home as soon as it comes on the market. If you're waiting until the Open House, you will likely be in a multiple contract situation. Buyers who ask for Sellers for closing cost help may...
Relatives from Seattle were in town last night and I did the unthinkable - I turned off my cellphone for several hours.  Sure,  it was a bold move. I intentionally unplugged from my busy day. But since our daughter was sitting next to me at the dinner table, I knew nothing too important would be ...
In the Maryland Washington DC, and Northern Virginia housing market, there are more Buyers than Sellers. Just last week, we submitted an offer on a little townhouse in Maryland. Our offer was one of 8 and the Sellers asked for the "last and best offer" from all the Buyers. How do you buy a home i...
There are thousands of decks on homes in Maryland, Virginia and D.C. and many are rotten, wobbly & dangerousThis is a picture of a deck post. As you can see, the post is rotten. In fact, all of the support posts for this deck were in varying stages of decay. The house had been flipped and the Fli...

Victoria Ray Henderson

Washington DC Real Estate
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