In almost every financial transaction you undertake, your credit score matters. It affects whether you can or cannot qualify for things like home loans, auto loans and credit cards and also will affect the interest you pay. In addition, credit can even have an impact on other areas tha...
There are of number of reasons to refinance your home loan, but perhaps the most popular reason, is to simply reduce your interest rate and therefore the interest paid over the life of your loan. However, it is always important to look at not only the potential reduction in an interest rate and ...
The FHA Home Loan program continues to be one of the most popular home loan programs. It can be used to purchase a home with as little as a 3.5% down payment, is more flexible on credit standards than a conventional and also provides great options for refinancing when you don’t have a lot of equ...
When applying for a home loan to purchase a home or refinance your home loan, the interest rate you receive will vary based on a number of factors. In this article, we will address some of the main factors that can ultimately affect what interest rate someone receives on a home loan.Your Credit P...
When purchasing a home, unless you provide a 20% down payment on a conventional loan, you will generally have a loan with some sort of mortgage insurance. If you currently have a loan with mortgage insurance, there are options to remove your mortgage insurance and we will d...
Everyone knows that a good credit score is important to obtain the best possible interest rates and terms, whether you are applying for a home loan, a consumer loan or a credit card. However, the internet is full of lots of conflicting information when it comes to credit scores. And t...
When someone is looking to purchase a home, a gift made be used to provide the entire down payment needed for the home purchase.For conventional loans, that down payment can be as little as 3% of the purchase price and for FHA loans, that amount can be as little as 3.5% of the purchase price.The ...
The HARP refinance program is a program that has allowed millions of homeowners the option to refinance and take advantage of today’s low interest rates, with little or no equity in their homes and HARP 2.0 is finally coming to an end on 9-30-17. The program has also served a need to help homeow...
The VA Home Loan program is a benefit for Veterans of the Armed Services and National Guard and also current active duty military personnel and is a program that provides great benefits for our servicemen and servicewomen and Veterans. Here are some of the important features and guidelines of thi...
The cash out refinance has made a comeback in recent years, as home values have stabilized and moved higher. For certain instances, it could make sense to tap into your home’s equity, to perhaps take out funds to consolidate debts, remodel your home or pay for other unexpected expenses. ...