Buyers have a habit of ruling out or ruling in properties based on the pictures of a listing on the MLS. It looks yellow, or dated, or there's no picture of the ___________ so I don't want to see it. Or it looks so spacious, I love it, the kitchen looks so light filled, the yard looks huge, I w
I'm putting up a new website in the the next little while. I'm in the design phase so I've been spending a lot of time looking at websites in general and Realtor websites in particular. While there are a lot of well put together pages I was amazed at the amount of, well, I can put it no other w
The rent control powers in BC last week announced the allowable rental increase for the 2011 rental year: Allowable Rent Increases for 2011 August 30, 2010 Conventional Residential Tenancies: For a conventional residential tenancy rent increase that takes effect in 2011, the allowable increase i
So I was out showing properties today, as I do most days. Today was all about "entry level" single family detached houses. If you don't know, "entry level" in the greater Victoria area is around 400k and below. We didn't find anything that made any sense for my buyers today. And I have a hard
Happy Labour day weekend everyone. I hope the long weekend is being good to you and I am also hoping that the weather holds out for a couple of more days. It looked a little stormy today but the clouds held back and the sun ended up winning the afternoon. We had a great time at the Saanich fa
It's the question I get most often when showing condos to buyers, other than "why are they selling?" of course, namely: "Is this a good strata?" Well what is a good strata? In my book, first and foremost, a good strata is one that has been diligent in the maintenance of the building and common p
I got a call from a strata owner asking me to do a survey. Sure, why not. The survey was about pet bylaws. In a previous life I worked for the Gallup poll, so I could tell this was not an unbiased survey, but that's besides the point. The questions boiled down to basically whether or not a by
What better thing could you possibly do this weekend than go to a good old country fair? The Saanich fair is entering its 138th year! Moved to the current Saanich fairgrounds in 1992 on Stelly's X road, the Saanich fair features three times the exhibits as the PNE and has more than 5,000 entri
Ah, September. Change is in the air. Did you notice it? Other than the obvious rain we had yesterday, there are signs that the summer is ended and real estate in Victoria is about to get going. It happens every year, (except perhaps last year, but for the last time, last August was ridiculou
The HST has been getting all the press lately, and has been blamed for the slowdown in the Victoria and other BC housing markets. I'd say this has more to do with the public's misperceptions about the impact of the tax on their home purchases rather than it's actual impact. The real villain ta