Court ordered sales are often a misunderstood topic for home buyers in BC. Watch enough late night TV and you get the idea that there's money in foreclosures, where you can get a million dollar home for just pennies on the dollar! Everyone wants a deal. There's nothing wrong with that, but if
In the past month or so my kids and I have been getting into geocaching here in Victoria. Geocaching is basically a hide and seek treasure hunt using gps devices. The basic idea is to seek out the caches outdoors and to share your experiences online. is essentially the headquarte
The Victoria Times Colonist does not deserve my business. Or yours. I've thought about this for a while. I am a subscriber and get the paper delivered to my house every day. Every day except Mondays of course as they don't publish a paper on Monday. But that's a different issue I have for a
When is it a good time to buy? Is now a good time to buy? Should I wait and buy later? The answer to these questions, to me anyways, are the same as the answer to the question "How long is a piece of string?".It depends, obviously. Why are you buying? What are you buying with? Are you selli
We had our company appreciation party this today. For those of you who don't know, Cornerstone is comprised of a small but productive Real Estate division, a Maintenance division and a powerhouse Property Management division. We are one of the largest in our market for property management and h
Yesterdays blog, done in QR codes, did not work at all. Sometimes things don't. I probably should have explained what I was doing but I thought it would be fun for people to figure it out and have a look. Well, not so much. I don't think one person "read" the blog with a QR code scanner - ava
You just found out that the owner of the home that you're renting has decided to put it on the market. You're going to have to deal with the real estate agent listing the home, showings, inspections and so on. Hopefully the real estate agent has gotten in touch with you to set up a meeting befo
Today was a family Sunday. It's nice when the schedule works out that I can have an entire day booked off on a weekend. Today was one of those days. And was it ever raining.So what to do? Well, there is plenty to do indoors in Victoria, other than buying and selling real estate! So This will
I was asked recently by one of my listings if they should try to be home for the showings. Obviously there was a communication error somewhere during the listing processs as I make it abundantly clear that I do not want ANY homeowner or resident present during a showing. So I went over my