There are hundreds of online foreclosure providers. Finding the best sites will depend on your ability to recognize and understand the difference between data and information. Information is actionable data. Data by itself is confusing and can be more aggravating than beneficial. So let's look at
Because HUD strives to make more Americans homeowners, an owner-occupant wishing to bid on a foreclosure home is offered an opportunity to bid on a given home during its first five days on the market. During this time, real estate investors are barred from bidding. After the first five days, howe
When applying for a mortgage, be sure of your credit. If your credit is not above a certain beacon score (625 +/-), be prepared to pay a high interest rate. Or, if you don't understand the difference between points and interest rate, you may find yourself paying tens of thousands more for the sam
Repossessions, bankruptcies and even late payments on your phone bill can be the difference between being qualified to buy a home or not. Negative items on your credit can be removed quickly and easily if you know how. The only reason credit problems ever become an issue is when they are ignored.
Mortgage lenders generally take over responsibility for the payment of taxes and insurance so that they can be sure that payments are made. They require an escrow account be established with the borrower's funds from which the mortgage lender makes the payments as they come due. The escrow accoun
When you (or your client for that matter) are buying a first home, be aware of the many advantages and tools at your disposal. Lower Interest Rates For First Time Homebuyers As a first time homebuyer, you are offered far lower interest rates than an investor. If the standard interest rate you are
Purchasing foreclosure real estate can be broken down into six basic steps. Following these steps will simplify a foreclosure real estate transaction while avoiding common mistakes made by the typical consumer. Step 1 The pre-approval process. The most common mistake made by the typical homebuyer
Today was the first time I had to experience the New Good Faith Estimate during two of my three settlements today. WHAT IDIOT THOUGHT THIS LITTLE GEM UP? OBVIOUSLY NOT SOMEONE IN THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY! Karen Anne Stone penned Frustrated Realtor Fights Back. Take THAT... You Nasty GFE ! jok
If you've found the foreclosure home you're looking for and are ready to purchase, these formulas will help you through the process. Foreclosure Home Bidding Rules If you are looking at a bank foreclosure, then the rules of bidding are fairly simple. Contact your real estate agent or the listing
Critical to the homebuying process is determining your price range. Even if you have prequalified for your home purchase, you may want to have your information reviewed by your mortgage lender to determine if there are ways you can be qualified for a higher amount or lower interest rate. The majo