As there are hundreds of online foreclosure providers, it takes some effort to find the most useful, free sites. Finding the best sites will depend on your ability to recognize and understand the difference between data and information. Information is actionable data. Data by itself is confusing
In this post, I've explained a number of the advantages you (or your client for that matter) can enjoy as a first time buyer. Feel free to expand on any of these points in the comments section. Lower Interest Rates For First Time Homebuyers As a first time homebuyer, you are offered far lower int
Congress must change the Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 to extend the life of the legislation and expand benefits for homeowners affected by the housing crisis. The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 allows homeowners to avoid paying taxes on mortgage debt forgiven though the foreclosure or loan
CBS News ran a story today warning of new and increasing scams targeting struggling homeowners. The scam, in all its variations, is especially despicable as it takes advantage of those who, in desperation and out of fear for losing their homes, are looking for a way to salvage their American drea
Few are aware of the best-kept secret of buying foreclosure homes: It is possible to purchase a foreclosure home with no money down. Even real estate agents don't often understand how to get their buyers into a foreclosure with zero money down. Let me share some helpful tips and information. #1 l
When I cme across an opportunity to give something back to those selfless few who give so much in service to others, I'm all too happy to pass it along. This is an outstandng government program that benefits the educators and emergency first responders we rely on every day. Law enforcement office
There are three distinct kinds of foreclosure investing opportunities. Understanding the risks and benefits of each is key to your success as a foreclosurfe investor. They are: the "Default/Pre-Foreclosure" phase, the "Auction/Sale" phase and the "REO" phase. This blog post discusses the risks a
There isn't much difference between investing in foreclosure homes for resale and investing in foreclosure homes for rental income. Many of the same rules apply and many guidelines remain constant. As with any type of investing, the point at which you enter will determine how profitably you exit.
Foreclosure sales represented 47 percent of all homes sold in the first half of 2009 with no signs of slowing. Google shows searches for terms like “homes,” and “real estate” were down by more than 50 percent from the previous year, yet terms such as “foreclosure homes” were up by roughly the s
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is poised to sign into law SB 401, legislation that will waive state taxes on mortgage debt that has been forgiven in a foreclosure or short sale. The new legislation is expected to benefit about 34,000 California taxpayers. In a report Friday, the L.A. T