Different deals for Absolutely Amazing Properties!!! Check this out now!!! Deal 1 Address: 333-335 Halsey St, Plainfield, NJ 07063 Type: 2-family Description: 6beds, 2 baths, driveway Sale Price: $140k Repairs: $25K ARV= $275k Comments: Not a short sale Deal 2 Address: 426-428 Linden Street, Eliz...
Hurry Buy it NOW! Property will be done tomorrow! Bid now for this property @ Maple Ave., South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Appaised Comps ARV = $350,000 Repairs = 80,000 ( Total Rehab ) Taxes:$4,200 Total the studs. House is on a nice lot located close to the spring lake park in South Plainf...
Flip, Rent, Lease Option or Finance it but you must FIRST BID for it!!! Bid now for this property located in Baton Rouge Louisiana 70802 has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath Approx. 1200 square foot ARV with some minor cosmetic work is $85,000. Repair Estimate: $5,000 Property was rented for $600 per month,...
Don’t miss out on this great wholesale property that will bring nice equity!! Bid now for this property @ 6337 Evergreen Blvd. 63134 (North St Louis...a middle class neighborhood) Asking price: only $20,000 (plus a $3,000 assignment fee), Rent: $600 easily. ARV: $50,000! 2 bedroom 1 bathroom on a...
Investors/Rehabbers drive by and make an offer! Bid now for this property @ Oak Drive Violet, Louisiana 70092 It's in the nicest neighborhood in the area and is approx. 1600 square foot. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath with a 2 car garage and double driveway. This property is in need of a complete renovation....
Handyman's Special: 50% of ARV!! Check this out NOW!! Property Description: I have a 2BR/1BA SFH under contract in St. Louis, MO, 91941 Asking price: $15,000 It needs $10,000 in repairs, ARV: $60,000 Rent: $700/month There is already a repair crew in St Louis ready to work with you if you don't w...
GREAT REHAB w/ 30-50k EQUITY!! Don’t miss this Property! BID NOW FOR THIS PROPERTY @ LOUISIANA 70124 Near Lakeview Subdivision, near lake Pontratrain 1BR/1BA 700 SQ FT., LOT SIZE 22X151. APPROX RENT IN AREA IS 900-1200/M. ARV IS APPROX. 115K W/ 50K IN REPAIRS. OR ADD A 1BR/1BA ADDITION W/ 75K IN ...
Got to have this Fixer Upper Investment!! Bid now for this property @ 11415 Winchester Ave. Kansas City MO 64134. This investment property is located near a shopping area, school church and highway. Large spacious 3 Bedroom / one Bathroom 1366 sq. ft. Asking Price: $39,250 Auction ends on October...
Check out this Missouri property!! You won’t regret this one!! Bid now for this property @ 10903 bennington avenue missouri 64134 Property Description: three bedroom one bath steal has washer dryer and stove has a water heater asking price $42500 For more information contact Beatrice @ 816 -456 1315
GREAT Fontana California WHoLesaLe deAL! 7300 Palmetto Ave Fontana CA, 92336 3beds / 2 baths Built 1983 1207 sq ft Purchase Price - $155,000 9050 Admiralty Circle Riverside,CA 925033; For further information about this property click link below