Darren's Bliggity Blog of Denver

Real Estate Agent - Turning Point Real Estate Inc.
Isn't it ironic?  Just when life trips you up, falls on top of you, and jumps up and down a time or two.... It happens.  Something or someone seems to hit the refresh button and everything starts to seem possible again. Pretty cheesy I know, but I have had an amazing awakening in my life in the l...
Denver is all the rage right now with the Democratic National Convention this week.  The flags are unfurled and the banners are flying.  We are truly soaking in the spotlight and are proud to be the hosts no matter what our particular party affiliations may be!  The city is packed with people: in...
My daughter and I finally got to see Batman a couple days ago.  It's a great show by the way.  It got me thinking that our industry is missing a true hero.  You know ... the one that steps in when all hope is lost by fighting adversity. The one that seizes opportunity for the betterment of all!  ...
I need help getting out of Indecisionland!!!  I have a small brokerage firm fluctuating between 6 -15 agents and wanting to grow.  I am struggling on picking the right office space.  I want something big enough to grow into but not too big I can't handle the payments.  Especially in this economy!...

Darren Turnbeaugh

smartphone(303) 808-0205
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