Trunda's Richardson Real Estate Blogging Tips and Fun

Real Estate Agent - LS Rogers Realty
Realtor in Richardson and surrounding areas. Passionate about Real Estate. My Mission is to educate my Clients throughout the process to ensure the Best Possible decision is made for Them by Them.



We've all walked through a Home where Smoke & Pet Odors, Rancid Hampers, Musty Carpet, and even some cooking smells have extremely limited our stay. Once you get it in your head that nothing's crawling on you, You start feeling like you need a bath and become so distracted, it's hard to keep up w...
We all get in a hurry from time to time. Slow down. Don't let this happen to you.     For The 2007 Women Drivers Award 10th Place Goes to:9th Place Goes To:8th Place Goes To:7th Place Goes To:6th Place Goes To:5th Place Goes To:4th Place Goes To:The Bronze Medal Winner:The Silver Medal Winner: He...
Everyday something happens that can cause your Clients time, convenience, or money. It's in those moments that opportunity presents itself for You to become Memorable and "Referral" worthy.  Recently, stamps increased from .41 cents to .42 cents.  As usual, people are not too thrilled to stand in...
Real Estate is the only Profession that EVERYONE is an expert in. Imagine watching a late night infomercial on purchasing foreclosured properties for Zero Down and pennies on the dollar.  Sounds good.  No credit required. What? No job necessary. Wow! No license, No experience, No altering your c...
In a couple of years after my daughter's off to college, I plan to relocate to a less congested area outside the state of Texas.  Is practicing real estate in an unfamiliar area as difficult as I believe it to be? In an area where I've spent most of my life, I love assisting Clients with great in...
 This is a little disheartening for me.  The immediate problem here is agent incompetence. The bigger problem is that we have a system wherein anyone that can breathe can get a license. So, incompetency reigns supreme. What other industry has 1.5 million practitioners with only approx 1 million p...
                                                      You Want ME to do What?! In the beginning of my career, I often allowed my clients to take charge of our working relationship. I learned quickly that I would have to take a stand.  Remember this when you feel like you're jumping through hoops ...
A Realty Salesperson had just closed on their first deal, only to discover the day after closing that the piece of land he had sold was completely under water. "My client is going to come back here pretty mad," said the Salesperson to his boss. "Should I give him his money back?" "Money back?" r...
I've been bombarded by email with invitations to join Discount Real Estate Brokerages. So I began calling them. I quickly found out what I suspected all along....that it wasn't for me. Their key recruiting tool is no prospecting for the agent. Their virtual office targets buyers and sellers by of...
Hello All, Tell me this forum is as great as I think it is. I've been on board for 1 day and already went through separation anxiety.  I love the helpful suggestions and tips offered. So any tips for getting the most from this site will be  g r e a t l y  appreciated. Thanks.     Buyers or Seller...

LS Rogers Realty

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Professional IntegrityTrunda Rogers, Real Estate Professional in 75080